International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
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Chief Editor: Prof. Jingfeng Wang
ISSN: 2581-8627
Frequency: Quarterly
Language: English
Open Access Peer-reviewed journal
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Recent Submissions
Item Assessing the Influence of Nano Urea on the Growth and Yield of Irrigated Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Crop(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Pal, RK; Maurya, DK; Kumar, S; Singh, R.Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the world's most essential cereal crops, serving as a staple food for a significant portion of the global population. In the pursuit of achieving higher yields in contemporary agriculture, the use of chemical fertilizers poses an increased environmental risk. However, the application of Nano urea offers a potential solution to mitigate this risk to a certain extent. To address this objective, a field experiment was conducted during the Rabi seasons of 2022-2023 at the A trial was executed in the rural area of Kanpur district of Mandhana, located 10 km from Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, during the Rabi season of 2022-23. The experimental design involved two main factors: Factor-1 Nitrogen (at 50%, 75%, and 100% levels) and Factor-2 Foliar Spray (at one time Nano urea and two time Nano urea, with 4 ml/l). A control group was included, and the experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 13 treatments in three replications. The results indicated that the combination of 100% nitrogen along with a foliar spray of 4 ml/L Nano urea had a significant positive impact on growth, yield, and various yield parameters. Treatment 6 demonstrated the highest values for plant height (95.66 cm), Dry matter accumulation (1014.09 g m-2), number of tillers m-2 (417.44), Leaf area index at 90 DAS (4.85), effective ear head per (m-2) (282.66), grains per ear head (65.75), test weight (48.52 g), grain yield (46.15 quintals/ha), and straw yield (57.92 quintals/ha). The study's results demonstrated a generally positive effect of combined Nano urea with traditional NPK nutrient supply on the growth and yield parameters of wheat in irrigated conditions.Item Influence of Aqueous Leaf Extracts of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. On the Expression of Germination and Growth of Agricultural Seeds(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Rajendra, MP; Reddy, MC; Podishetti, VC; Reddy, BV; Naveen, Y; Ravivarma, D; Ashwitha, B; Shakati, S; Bargavi, T.Aim: This laboratory experiment was conducted to test the effect of allelopathy by Eucalyptus tereticornis aqueous leaf extracts on the germination and growth of Agricultural seeds i.e., Arachis hypogaea, Cicer arietinum, Vigna radiata and Zea mays as to test for suitable agroforestry system.Study Design: The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design.Place and Duration of the Study: The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of Agroforestry and Soil Science, Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, Forest College and Research Institute, Mulugu, Siddipet, Telangana, India.Methodology: The aqueous leaf extracts of varied concentration [0 (Distilled water), 25, 50, 75 and 100% (m/v) %] prepared were tested against germination percent, relative germination percent, growth and relative allelopathic effect on the aforesaid agricultural seeds.Results: The bioassay revealed that there was significant turndown in parameters tested. Control being the one relatively high performing, with increase in the concentrations of aqueous leaf extracts the germination rate, root length, shoot length, and dry weights reduced in all the other crops treatments tested.Conclusion: The experiment attributes that leaching of allelochemicals from the leaves into the assay caused inhibitory effect on the seed germination and growth.Item Assessment of Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Quantitative Traits in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Kumar, R; Prakash, S; Singh, J; Kumar, S; Singh, DB; Gautam, P; Ali, I.Twenty-one genotypes of potato were carried out in Randomized Block Design with three replications during Rabi season 2020-21 at Horticulture Research Center of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut (U.P.). Eleven characters were included in the present investigation to study the variability, heritability, and genetic advance in potato. The analysis of variance was recorded highly significant difference between the genotypes for all eleven traits under studies. The estimates the coefficient of variation relieved that magnitude of phenotypic coefficient of variation was higher than genotypic coefficient of variation for all the characters. High estimates of phenotypic as well as genotypic coefficient of variation were observed in case of length of internodes (cm), followed by plant height, tuber yield plant-1, number of stem plant-1, number of nodes at 30 DAP, number of tubers plant-1. Heritability estimates, as well as genetic progression, were found to be more important than heritability in predicting the outcome of selecting the best individual. High estimates of heritability (h2) (>80%) were recorded for tuber yield plant-1, followed by number of leaves at 60 DAP, number of nodes at 60 DAP, plant height (cm), number of nodes at 30 DAP, tuber size (cm), length of internodes (cm), number of tubers plant-1, number of stem plant-1, number of leaves at 30 DAP. The highest value of genetic advance in percent of mean (>20%) was exhibited for length of internodes (cm), plant height, tuber yield plant-1, number of stem plant-1, number of nodes at 30 DAP, number of tubers plant-1, number of leaves at 60 DAP, number of nodes at 60 DAP, tuber size (cm).Item Effect of Different Method of Rice Establishment and Weed Management Options on Yield and Economics of Paddy(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Gundappa; Naveen, NE; Veeranna, HK; Jayaprakash, SM; Deshmukh, S.A field experiment was conducted during rabi 2022 at Zonal Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station, Brahmavara, Udupi, Keladi Shivappa Nayaka University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga, on sandy loam soil to study the effect of different method of rice establishment and weed management options on yield and economics of paddy. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design with broadcasting and drum seeder method of establishment and five treatment combinations, replicated thrice. The study revealed that, the weed free treatment maintained by hand weeding recorded highest growth parameters and rice grain yield. The sequential application of pre-emergence herbicide pendimethalin 38.7 % CS @ 750 g a.i. ha-1 at 0-3 DAS (fb) early post-emergence application of bispyribac sodium 10 % SC @ 25 g a.i ha-1 at 13-15 DAS, recorded lowest total weed density (36.92, 31.73 and 40.45 No. m-2) at 15, 30 and 45 DAS, respectively and lower weed index (7.23%) under drum seeder method of establishment . The yield and yield attributing parameters like number of tillers (291.33 m-2), panicle length (19 cm), filled grains (89.33 panicle-1), grain yield (4221 kg ha-1) and straw yield (5387 kg ha-1) were observed in sequential application of pre-emergence herbicide pendimethalin 38.7 % CS @ 750 g a.i. ha-1 at 0-3 DAS (fb) early post-emergence application of bispyribac sodium 10 % SC @ 25 g a.i ha-1 at 13-15 DAS under the drum seeder method of establishment. The highest net return (? 82586 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.81) was also recorded in the same treatment.Item Studies on Performance of Bt Cotton Hybrids against Jassids (Amrasca bigutulla bigutulla Ishida) During Summer Season(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Rajashekar, J; Rajashekar, K; Lakshmi, KV; Chauhan, S.Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum. L) is indeed a significant cash crop grown in three agro-climatic zones of India. The Indian subcontinent is considered the birthplace of cotton, and it has been a crucial part of human civilization for centuries. It is renowned as the most important natural fibre or vegetable wool and has been cultivated for both domestic consumption and export purpose for proximately 111 countries worldwide. Cotton is a vital crop that plays a significant role in the global economy. It provides livelihoods for over 250 million people worldwide and accounts for nearly 7% of the labour force in developing countries. The field experiment was carried out at Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Adilabad, Telangana during summer 2022-23. A Total of 8 Bt cotton hybrids were evaluated against jassids of cotton under unprotected conditions. Lowest population of jassids were recorded in hybrid NCS-2778 (3.76 jassids per 3 leaves), followed by RCH-659 (5.41 jassids), PRADEEP (6.27 jassids), MOKSHA (6.45jassids per 3 leaves). The highest population of jassids were recorded in JADHU (9.91 jassids) and MONEY MAKER (7.70 jassids).Item Integrated Management of Charcoal Rot and Its Influence on Seed Yield and Quality in Soybean(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Patidar, S; Yadav, VK; Amrate, PK; Lovewanshi, LS; Karoda, C; Kharte, S; Kurmi, S.Charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseolina) causes high grain yield loss in major soybean-growing nations worldwide. The present study aimed to reveal the effect of stage-wise charcoal rot incidence and their root and stem severity index on the yield criteria of soybean varieties. Additionally, an attempt was made to derive integrated management practices and their influence on seed quality. All the twelve varieties were affected by charcoal rot, and its incidence and root and stem severity index were high in Shivalik (48.5% and 3.7, respectively). In yield estimation, the percentage of yield loss ranged from 8.7% (JS 20-98) to 53.9% (Shivalik). Percent yield loss had a strong significant positive relation with percent incidence (0.912**) and Root and Stem severity index (0.813**) of charcoal rot. Seed treatment of Penflufen 13.28% + Trifloxystrobin 13.28 % FS @ 1ml/kg followed by spraying of tebuconazole 25% EC @ 0.1 % spraying at 45,60,75 days was significantly superior in reducing charcoal rot (19.7%) in comparison to untreated (37.3%). The highest seed germination (80.0 %) and least association with M. phaseolina (13.33%), Aspergillus flavus (3.33%), Fusarium sp., (13.34%) in comparison to control (50, 36.67, 23.33 and 36.67 %, respectively) were also resulted from the seed obtained from above treatment. In bioagent, seed treatment of T. harzianum @ 10 gm/kg followed by foliar spray of tebuconazole 25% EC @ 0.1% at 45,60,75 days was the second-best combination among all treatments in all respects. The effect of these fungicides and bio agents as seed treatment also improved the number of branches, pods, 100 seed weight and yield. Hence, these combinations could be applied to minimize charcoal rot and yield losses in soybean.Item Influence of Organic, Inorganic, and Foliar Grade Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Groundnut(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Mahatale, PV; Nandeshwar, BC; Yenpreddiwar, MD; Chandankar, GD; Raut, MM.Optimizing mineral nutrition is crucial to boosting groundnut output since groundnut have a high nutritional requirement and the recently released high yielding varieties further absorb nutrients from the soil. On the other hand, farmers that grow groundnut sometimes employ only one or two nutrient-rich fertilizers, which results in severe mineral deficits. One of the primary reasons for low groundnut productivity is inadequate and imbalanced nutrient usage. At the Oilseeds Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra, India, a field experiment was carried out in the summer to assess the effects of organic, inorganic, and foliar grade fertilizers on the growth and yield of groundnut. The integration of organic, inorganic, and foliar grade fertilizers considerably improves growth and yield qualities, according to experimental data. The findings showed that the application of FYM @ 7.5 t ha-1+100% RDF 25:75:25 NPK kg ha-1 considerably improved plant growth parameters, such as plant height and yield attributes yield. Starter dose (11:36:24 NPK + trace element) + booster dose (8:16:39 NPK + trace elements) applied topically. It was determined that integration of organic (7.5 t ha-1), inorganic fertilizer (100% RDF), and water soluble grade fertilizer recorded, highest dry pods yield and getting maximum economic return from summer groundnut. This treatment was closely followed by treatment FYM @ 7.5 t ha-1+100 % RDNPK, which recorded significant pod yield (27.18 qt ha-1), net monetary return (79464 Rs. ha-1) and benefit: cost ratio (2.77).Item Assessment and Comparison of Soil Quality Using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) & Expert Opinion (EO) Methods in different Rice-based Cropping Systems in Alfisol(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Rajput, RS; Patley, S; Choudhary, B; Gupta, S.The present study was undertaken to assess and compare soil quality using principal components analysis (PCA) and expert opinion (EO) methods in different rice-based cropping systems in Alfisol. In both the PCA and EO methods rice cultivation in rotation with legumes (chickpea and field pea) sustained significantly better soil quality than that of RW and RF cropping systems and established a good relationship between soil quality index (SQI) and defined soil functions. The study confirmed that the integration of legumes into the rice-based cropping systems will ensure the maintenance of soil quality and environmental stability under intensive” cultivation. However, the PCA method was found comparatively better for soil quality assessment in the North Hill region.Item Geospatial Interpolative Analytics of Gauged Rainfall in Network under Semi-arid Situation of Krishna Basin on a Watershed Scale(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Shashikanth; Satishkumar, U.; Polisgowdar, B. S.; Kulkarni, PS; Rajesh, N. L.; Desai, B. K.Kriging as a Geospatial interpolative delineation of optimal radial distance around existing rainfall stations with in the purview of flat land (1-3 %) watershed (Hti-2 4D7B3) situated in Krishna basin. The smaller (15 and 30 min) and medium (45 min to 1h 45 min) events of the were analyzed focusing on their distribution whereas events of longer duration (>2 h) analyzed with their depth across 14 gauging stations. Analysis of 14 gauged rainfall network stations and their corresponding rainfall data during 2014-2020 used to derive relationship between recurring events of classified duration (15 min to 2 h) vis-a-vis weighted influence of number and depth due to spatial morphology and limitations of watershed. The event vise rainfall network distribution of Huti-2 watershed found to be significantly uniform in number and depth within the radial distance upto 3 km around each station prevailed by strong coefficient of determinant (R2) more than 0.8.Item Nutrient Management Strategies for Groundnut-blackgram Cropping Sequences(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Harisudan, C.; Veeramani, P.; Jayakumar, J.; Karunakaran, V.; Sivagamy, K.; Ravichandran, V.; Kathirvelan, P.; Thiruvarassan, S.; Baskaran, R.; Subrahmaniyan, K.Aims: To refine nutrient management practices for the groundnut-blackgram cropping sequence, focusing on enhancing both yield and quality.Study Design: The experiment was conducted in a split-plot design with three replications.Place and Duration of Study: Regional Research Station in Vridhachalam during the Kharif and rabi season of 2016-17.Methodology: The experimental encompassed various nutrient levels applied to groundnut in the main plots: M1-Control, M2-100% RDF, M3-125% RDF, and M4-150% RDF. Additionally, different nutrient levels were applied to the blackgram subplot: S1-Control, S2-50% RDF, S3-75% RDF, and S4-100% RDF.Results: Analysis of the results indicated that use of 125% RDF in groundnut significantly provide higher pod yield (2657 kg/ha). However, the control group recorded a significantly lower pod yield. Subsequent blackgram seed yield was notably influenced by inorganic fertilizers applied to the preceding groundnut crop. In blackgram, the application of 75% RDF resulted in a higher number of pods per plant (34.6), No. of branches/plant (7.8) and seed yield (823 kg/ha). This performance was comparable to the application of 100% RDFConclusion: These findings underscore the importance of optimizing nutrient management practices, particularly the combination of 125% RDF for groundnut, to enhance pod yield, while the application of 75% RDF demonstrated positive effects on subsequent blackgram seed yield.Item The Response of Different Bread Wheat Genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) to Temperature Changes(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Yadav, A; Quatadah, SM; Praween, N.Increased temperature is a major yield declining factor in wheat production. Current study was intended to evaluate the impact of increased temperature on the pre and post reproductive major yield attributing biometrical traits through the use of stress tolerance indices and trait reduction ratio (%) of all the traits studied. A set of 27 genotypes including 2 check entries viz., Shriram 303 and HD 2967 was evaluated in two separate trials, timely sown (non-stress) and late sown (heat stress) conditions in RBD design with three replications during rabi 2020-21 at the agriculture research farm of Rama university, Kanpur. Significant dropping in major yield attributing traits have Such as grain yield/plant, grain yield/spike and tillers/plant exhibited 54.41%, 39.31 % and 34.22% reduction, respectively thought the estimation of trait reduction ration (%) specially for the trials conducted under the late sown (heat stress) condition as compared to the normal sown trial. Five stress tolerance indices viz., susceptibility index (HSI), mean productivity (MP), tolerance (TOL), heat tolerance index (STI) and trait stability index (TSI) have been estimated to find out the heat stress tolerance and susceptible genotypes for grain yield under high temperature stress conditions.Correlation estimates of different heat stress tolerance indices with grain yield in non-stress condition (timely sown) exhibited significant positive association with MP (0.766**), HTI (0.622**), TSI (0.414*), and TOL (0.284). Though, under heat stress condition (late sown), grain yield displayed a significant positive correlation with HTI (0.713**), MP (0.707**), TOL (0.517**), TSI (0.656**) and negative correlation with HSI (-0.608**). Through the correlation analysis estimates, four heat stress indices viz. HSI (heat susceptibility index), MP (mean productivity), STI (stress tolerance index) and TSI (trait stability index) have been used in assorting the heat tolerant wheat genotypes. Current estimates directed that 14 genotypes (PBW 152, HUW-206, WL-2, WL-8, WL-13, DBW-71, DBW-39, WH-1105, HUW-318, PBW-154, ALWL-5, WL-14, PBW-502 and Shriram 303) were heat tolerant genotypes while 8 genotypes (Jamuni, F 2004, Allahabad Local, Black, U. P Local, YOUDA, U. P B2425 and HD 2967) have been observed high temperature susceptible. While WH-1105 and PBW-154 have been observed high yielding genotypes under heat stress environment. Therefore, genotypes WH-1105 and PBW-154 were acknowledged as a suitable genotype for late sown trial. Further, these two genotypes could be utilize in breeding programme to develope heat tolerant varieties of wheat.Item Estimate of Genotypic and Phenotypic Correlation and Path Coefficients in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Singh, DB; Yadav, GC; Singh, NK; Kumar, R; PrashantThe significant positive correlation of phenotypic and genotypic performance as well as path correlation of crops helps in selection of the superior cultivars. Based upon important significance of these estimates, it was applied in our research. For this an experiment was conducted on different genotypes of chilli during winter season of 2021-22, with the aim of estimate correlation coefficient among the growth and yield traits and elucidate the direct and indirect effect of different traits on yield through path coefficient analysis. The experimental material for the study consisted of 40 genotypes including one check (Kashi Anmol), laid in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Observations were recorded on thirteen quantitative characters. The most important trait fruit yield per plant had exhibited highly significant and positive phenotypic correlation with average fruit weight (0.925), no. of fruits per plant (0.595) and fruit circumference (0.464). Path coefficient analysis revealed that average fruit weight (0.835) and no. of fruit per plant (0.385) were identified as most important traits which had positive direct on fruit yield per plant. The higher magnitude of negative direct effect on fruit yield per plant was exerted by fruit circumference (-0.018) followed by secondary branches per plant (-0.011). While maximum positive indirect effect on total fruit yield per plant shown by fruit circumference (0.448), followed by no. of fruit per plant (0.216). while negative indirect effect shown by secondary branches per plant (-0.143) followed by plant height (-0.127) and days to mature red ripe stage (-0.124). Thus, it can be inferred from the data above that selecting for these qualities will effectively enhance the crop for increased production and contributing traits.Item Biofortified Vermicompost Mediated Induced Resistance Response in Tomato against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Bisen, K; Pal, RK; Silas, VJ.Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a widely cultivated and versatile fruit. Tomato production faces various constraints, both biotic and abiotic stresses. Fusarium wilt, caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, is a devastating disease that affects tomato plants worldwide, causing significant economic losses in tomato cultivation. Inthis study the potential use of biofortified vermicompost for wilt management was investigated. The biological control agents viz. Trichoderma harzianum, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis were used to fortified the vermicpompost. The study monitored various antioxidants, plant growth indicators, and disease rates across designated treatments at different intervals. The findings revealed substantial differences: tomato plants treated with biofortified vermicompost showed notable reductions in disease occurrence, improved growth, increased yields, and heightened antioxidant activity compared to the control. Among these treatments, the most remarkable outcomes were observed in plants treated with T. harzianum fortified vermicompost, exhibiting the highest recorded values across the parameters studied. Data revealed that the Tomato plants treated with vermicompost fortified with Trichoderma showed maximum root length (14.95 cm) after 15 days of sowing followed by T-2 (11.25 cm) and T-3 (9.85 cm). Maximum dry weight was observed in plants treated with vermicompost fortified with Trichoderma. Maximum PAL, PO and PPO activity was recorded in leaves from plant grown in vermicompost fortified with T. harzianum (T1) at 48 h followed by T2, T3 and T4. The findings revealed tomato plants treated with biofortified vermicompost showed notable reductions in disease occurrence, improved growth, increased yields, and higher accumulation of defense enzyme activity compared to the control.Item Stochastic Time Series Analysis, Modeling, and Forecasting of Weekly Rainfall Using Sarima Model(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Damor, PA; Ram, B; Kunapara, AN.Rainfall holds critical significance for water resource applications, particularly in rainfed agricultural systems. This study employs the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) technique, a data mining approach commonly used for time series analysis and future forecasting. Given the increasing importance of climate change forecasting in averting unexpected natural hazards such as floods, frost, forest fires, and droughts, accurate weather data forecasting becomes imperative. The objective of this study was to develop a Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrative Moving Average (SARIMA) model for forecasting weekly rainfall in Junagadh Station, Gujarat. Utilizing 53 years of historical data (1963 to 2016), the SARIMA model predicts weekly rainfall for the subsequent five years (2018 to 2022). Through comprehensive evaluation using ACF and PACF plots, AIC, SBC, MAPE, and MAE values, the study identifies SARIMA (0,0,4)(0,1,1)52 as the optimal model, offering the most accurate prediction. The robust results affirm that the SARIMA model provides reliable and satisfactory weekly rainfall predictions. This research contributes valuable insights into the precision and efficacy of SARIMA models for rainfall forecasting, aiding in strategic water resource management in the Junagadh region.Item Genetic Characterization and Variability Analysis of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Elite Germplasm under Different Cropping Conditions(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Praween, N; Sikarwar, RS; Kumar, Y; Basu, PS; Mondal, B; Dixit, GP.In current study 113 diverse genotypes of chickpea has been evaluated during rabi 2019-20 and 2020-21 under timely sown (TS), late sown (LS) and very late sown (VLS) cropping environment in augmented block design at research farm of ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur for genetic characterization to access the presence of variability among the major grain yield attributing traits under changing cropping conditions. Variation due to block were insignificant and error variance was significant for all three different trials (ie., TS, LS and VLS) conducted during rabi 2019-20 and 2020-21(Table 5) In the present study highest genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation was observed for UFP, SYP (g), PB, Y (kg/ha), PY (g), HI (%), BMP (g), HSW (g) and FP (Table 5) While the traits viz., DFI, DFF, DPI, DFP, DMI, DM and PHT (cm), BY (g) and NSP exhibited the moderate to low range of GVC and PCV value under TS, LS and VLS cropping conditions During rabi 2019-20 and 2020-21. Highest value of heritability (%) >60% have been observe for the traits DFI, DFF, DMI, DM, PB, Y (kg/ha), HSW (g), SYP (g), BMP (g) and FP in all three different cropping environments (Table 6 in the current study correlation coefficient analysis have been estimated for the Correlation values (Table 6) for all three different trials viz Timely sown (TS), Late sown (LS) and Very Late sown (VLS) conducted in Rabi 2019-20 and 2020-2021. The Pearson correlation coefficients of pooled data were calculated for Eighteen morphological traits The major yield contributing traits such as DFF, PHT (cm), PB, SYP (g), PY (g), Y (g), HSW (g), BY (g) and HI (%) have significantly correlated with all the traits except UFP and NSP (Table 6) The PY (g) exhibited strong positive correlation with Y (Kg/ha) (0.857** and 0.964**); HSW (g) (0.544* and 0.412*); BY (g) (517* and 0.856**); SYP (g) (0.628**and 0.506*); BMP (g) (0.553* and 0.494*); HI (%) (0.459* and 0.706**). Similarly, another chief yield contributing traits like SPY (g) is also positively correlated BMP (g) (0.536* and 0.682**); HI (%) (0.678** and 0.779**); FP (0.774** and 0.964**) and NSP (0.456* and 0.503*) except UFP (Table 7 maximum percentage of variance for all 113 diverse chickpea genotypes has been recorded for PC1(26.83, 26.63 & 31.46 in 2019-20; 29.87, 35.15 & 30.2 in 2020-21) and PC2 (24.19, 22.81 & 12.66 in 2019-20; 18.96, 15.43 & 17.4 in 2020-21) for all three separate trials i.e., TS, LS and VLS (Table 7).Item Spatial Assessment and Variation of Soil Physicochemical Properties and Water Quality in the Tungi Watershed of Maharashtra, India(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Shrivastav, A; Vaidya, P. H.; Thale, L. R.Aims: To thoroughly evaluate the spatial variability of soil physicochemical properties and groundwater quality of the study area by systematic collection and analysis of geo-referenced soil and groundwater samples to quantify the physical, chemical and biological attributes of the soil. The objective is to gain a comprehensive understanding of soil and water quality in the Tungi watershed, providing valuable insights to guide sustainable land and water management practices in the region.Place and Duration of Study: Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Latur between 2020 and 2021.Methodology: A total of one hundred geo-referenced surface soil samples (0-30 cm) and ten groundwater samples were methodically collected from the surrounding area of soil profiles in the Tungi watershed, situated in Latur, Maharashtra. Physical, chemical and biological properties of soil evaluated using recommended standard methods.Results: Bulk density varied from 1.13 to 1.93 Mg m-3, particle density from 2.48 to 2.94 Mg m-3 and porosity from 22 to 58 percent. Soil pH ranged from 7.05 to 8.96 and electrical conductivity was within the permissible range. Organic carbon content of soils ranged from 0.15 to 1.05 percent, with some soils having a calcareous character (0.6 to 22.2 percent). The analysis of nutrient content revealed variable quantities with available nitrogen ranging from 53.31 to 250.88 kg ha-1, available phosphorus from 12.51 to 27.49 kg ha-1, available potassium from 106.9 to 851.5 kg ha-1 and available sulphur from 4.37 to 66.65 mg kg-1. Exchangeable calcium and magnesium quantities revealed ranges of 14.60 to 42.40 cmol(p+) kg-1 and 5.40 to 21.60 cmol(p+) kg-1, respectively. Furthermore, DTPA extractable iron varied from 4.24 to 16.38 mg kg-1, manganese from 4.76 to 25.84 mg kg-1, zinc and copper from 0.5 to 6.56 mg kg-1 and 0.72 to 15.56 mg kg-1, respectively and boron from 0.1 to 3.56 mg kg-1. Microbial population estimates revealed the dominance of bacteria over fungi and actinomycetes in the studied area. Groundwater carbonate and bicarbonate ranged from 0.01 to 0.62 m mol-1 and 6.35 to 10.24 mmol-1 respectively. The dug well, bore well and tube well water RSC ranged from 0.70 to 1.25 mmol-1.Conclusion: This extensive study provides helpful insights into the regional variability of physical and chemical properties in both soil and water with help of soil fertility maps, providing better understanding of soil fertilizer input and environmental conditions in the Tungi watershed.Item Effects of Planting Method and a Combination of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen on Maize (Zea mays) Growth(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Maurya, DK; Pal, RK; Singh, R; Kumar, S; Yadav, M; Kumar, M; Maurya, SK.Two lead treatments (flatbed and raised bed) and five nitrogen treatments (100 percent inorganic source, 100% farm yard manure, 50% inorganic source + 50% by farm yard manure, 75% inorganic source + 25% by farm yard manure, and 100% inorganic source + 25% by farm yard manure) were used in the triplicate study, which was conducted using a split plot design. The samples were analyzed 25, 50, and 75 days after sowing. The administration of treatment T3 (50% IO + 50% FYM) produced the tallest number of plants, as well as the most leaves per plant, weight per plant, and dry weight per plant, according to the results. On the shortest day, 50% tasseling was noted; nevertheless, this occurred with T1 (100% IO) application. Therefore, the combination of organic nitrogen sources with inorganic nitrogen sources in T3 (50% Inorganic + 50% Farm yard manure) with litter improved the performance of maize. It is recommended to use beds with 50% Inorganic + 50% Farm yard manure for crop growth.Item Genetic Characterization and Character Association Study in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for Grain Yield and Yield Attributing Traits(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Yadav, A; Quatadah, SM; Kumar, J; Silas, VJ.Present research work was carried out at the research farm of Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Rama University, Kanpur to investigate the pattern of genetic variability and heritability in the elite genotypes of wheat germplasm. In current study 27 wheat genotypes including checks entries viz., HD 2967 AND PBW 152 have been evaluated in randomized block design in 3 replication and the observations have been recorded on the eleven metric traits viz., Days to 50% flowering, Days to maturity, Flag leaf area (cm2), Tillers per plant, plant height (cm), spike length (cm), Spikelet per spike, Grain yield per plant (g), Biological yield per plant (g), Test weight (g) and Harvest index (%). The analysis of variance showed significant mean sum of squares due to all traits under study. High estimates of heritability were observed for all of the traits viz., grain yield per plant (98.90%) followed by test weight (95.53%) and harvest index (94.88 %), whereas, high estimates of genetic advance (>20%) in per cent over mean was recorded for the traits grain yield per plant (44.26%) followed by spike length (36.12%) and Test weight (28.51%), High heritability accompanied with high genetic advance for the traits showed additive gene action and the selection for such traits would be rewarding.Item Trends of Human-Wildlife Conflicting in Kali Tiger Reserve Forest, Karnataka, South India(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Ajith, M.; Joshi, AT; Sushmitha, K. S.; Deshmanya, JB; Mohan Kumar, B.; Deekshith, S.Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is a growing concern, impacting both conservation efforts and livelihoods. This study was conducted to analyse trends in wildlife conflicts involving agriculture, cattle, and human injuries from 2015-16 to 2022-23 with a focus on the Kali Tiger Reserve in Karnataka, India. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) method was used to assess the data, revealing critical insights. Agriculture-wildlife conflict showed an overall upward trend with a CAGR of 3.16 per cent. Notably, there was a significant increase in 2016-17, followed by fluctuations in subsequent years. This conflict arises due to natural habitat fragmentation and deterioration resulting animals encroaching on agricultural fields. Cattle-wildlife conflict exhibited a CAGR of 8.20 per cent, indicating a gradual increase with fluctuating cases from year to year. Tigers and leopards pose a threat to farmers who graze cattle near the forest reserves. Innovative solutions are required to balance the synergy of agriculture production and wildlife management policy. Human injuries due to wildlife displayed fluctuations, with a slight overall decrease (CAGR -0.47%) in the number of cases and an increase of 2.66 per cent in compensation. These incidents occur when people venture into forests for various reasons. Proper regulations and permissions are necessary to minimize such encounters. Overall compensation payments showed a CAGR of 5.83 per cent, reflecting fluctuating growth rates and significant changes in 2022-23. The forest and wildlife conservation sectors determine compensation based on specific factors for crop loss, cattle deaths, and human injuries. However, conflicts related to human injuries have shown a declining trend. The study suggests relocating rehabilitation efforts away from forest buffer zones and introducing off farm activities for affected communities to reduce their dependence on the forest.Item Investigating the Impact of Zinc on Chlorophyll Content and Leaf Area in Arecanut Seedlings(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2023-12) Thanuja, G.; Nagaraja, N. R.; Vishnuvardhana; Bhat, R; Maruti Prasad, B. N.; Ramesh, S. V.A sand culture experiment was carried out at ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Vittal in the year 2021, to evaluate the impact of different concentrations of Zinc (Zn) on chlorophyll content and leaf area in arecanut seedlings. Eight varieties of arecanut seedlings (Mangala, Swarnamangala, Madhuramangala, Shatamangala, South Kanara local (S K local), Thirthahalli, Sirsi arecanut selection -1 (SAS -1), Hirehalli dwarf) were cultivated in a naturally ventilated glasshouse using sand culture provided with 0.031, 0.093 and 0.156 ppm of Zn. After six months of growth, the seedlings were assessed for chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll content, and total leaf area. The results indicated that the chlorophyll content and total leaf area of arecanut seedlings were significantly influenced by different varieties and varying levels of zinc supplementation. Maximum values for both chlorophyll content and total leaf area were observed at a Zn concentration of 0.093 ppm (Z2 level). This study suggests that among the different levels of Zn, a concentration of 0.093 ppm (medium level) is optimal for promoting the growth of arecanut seedlings.