Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (IMSEAR) is an archive of selected publications in health sciences in the WHO South-East Asia Region. Materials in IMSEAR include formally published health science journals, health reports and documents.
Items in IMSEAR are organized under categories, sub-categories and collections reflecting type of materials, countries and journal titles. In addition to metadata of each item, original full text documents or links to original documents are provided whenever available, under Open Archives Initiative (OAI) framework. Items in IMSEAR can also be harvested through OAI-PMH at the base URL: https://imsear.searo.who.int/server/oai/request.
You are welcome to register yourself at the IMSEAR and subscribe to our collections to receive email alerts whenever new items are added to the collection. If you would like to include your publications in IMSEAR, please contact searolibrary@who.int at the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia.
Thank you,
IMSEAR Working Group
WHO South-East Asia Region

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