Annual Research & Review in Biology
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Chief Editor: Prof. George Perry,
ISSN: 2347-565X
Frequency: Quarterly
Language: English
Open Access Peer-reviewed journal
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Recent Submissions
Item Quantitative Risk Assessment of Aflatoxin M1 Related to the Consumption of Raw Cow's Milk in Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire)(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-10) Fatou, TK; Baptiste, ASJ; Benjamin, KKCow's milk represents a potential health risk for consumers. The objective of this work is to assess the sanitary quality of raw cow's milk produced and consumed by the populations of Daloa. For this purpose, a total of 30 raw milk samples were collected from 3 raw cow's milk extraction points in the city of Daloa. Mycotoxins were determined using gas chromatography. The results showed that 100% of the analyzed samples were contaminated with aflatoxin M1 (AFLM1). These results indicated that the aflatoxin M1 levels in the analyzed samples exceeded the maximum limit (ML) set by European regulations. To assess the risk of contamination for the population of Daloa, a survey was conducted among consumers of raw cow's milk. A total of 388 individuals were interviewed to gather their opinions. The survey involved a form with questionnaires related to the objectives of the study. This form provided information on identity, marital status, consumption patterns, frequency, quantity, and the socio-economic characteristics of the consumers. The results showed that the risk of liver cancer related to the consumption of raw cow's milk in the city of Daloa is approximately 36.08% to 36.16%; representing 36,080 to 36,150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Thus, to ensure consumer safety, good hygiene practices in the preservation of feed for cattle and the construction of enclosures for them must be implemented.Item Diversity and Taxonomic Classification of Epiphytes in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) F.U.C., E; R.W., N; G.O., O-A; A.A., M.Epiphytes exist in the Federal Capital Territory communities but there is little or no information on their diversity and taxonomy. However, Federal Capital Territory is a treasure house of ethnic communities and some valuable plant species. One major gap across the Federal Capital Territory, is lack of formal record on the diversity and taxonomic classification of the epiphytes. The objective of this study is to collect and identify epiphytes present in the Federal capital Territory, determine species composition and abundance, and further identify the various plants used as hosts by the epiphytes. The greatness of epiphytes has enabled them to exploit a wide range of habitats including tropical and temperate woodlands, plantations and mangroves. In tropical canopies, epiphytes are remarkably diverse and show asynchronous phonological patterns at the community level. A reconnaissance survey of the study on diversity and taxonomic classification of epiphytes was carried out from November to December, 2021 in Abaji, Abuja Municipal, Bwari, Gwagwalada, Kuje and Kwali area councils of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nigeria. Eighteen study points were randomly selected from the administrative town and two settlements from each of the area council. The study sites were selected considering the dry riparian nature of the region, altitudinal ranges, notable presence of epiphytes diversity and recommendation from respondents. Data was collected by administering semi-structured questionnaires to 90 respondents for a single face-face interview. Epiphytic plants collected from the field were identified. Those that could not be identified were taken to the Biological Sciences Department, University of Abuja, for identification and documentation. The epiphytes were classified into eight (8) taxonomic groups namely; Polypodiophyta, Tracheophyta, Basidiomycota, Magnoliophyta, Ascomycota, Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta and Anthophyta while four (4) evolutionary taxonomic groups were identified. Based on their mode of life, some epiphytes were classified as Typical Epiphytes while others were Semi Epiphytes and Occasional Epiphytes. The study shows that different epiphytic plants occur in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nigeria, and they belong to various taxonomic groups. Epiphytes in the Federal Capital Territory, and their Taxonomic Groups, indicated that Nephrolepis bisserata (Sw.) Schott, Platycerium stemaria (P.Beauv.) Desv., Ficus benghalensis L., Ficus vogelii Miq., Elaeis guinensis Jacq., Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L., Ficus leprieurii (Miquel), Ficus lutea Vahl, Ficus thonningi Blume, Ficus exasperate Vahl., Ficus platyphylla Delile, Polyhandra longiflora L., Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler, Lycoperdon spadiceus Pers., Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc., Viburnum tinus L., Plagiothecium undulatum (Hedw. Schimp., Frullania dilatata (L.) Dumort., and Ficus aurea Nutt. occured in all the area councils of the FCT while Fomitopsis sp P.Karst., Entodon sp MÜll. Hal. and Funaria sp Hedw. were seen in Abaji, Bwari, Gwagwalada, Kuje and Kwali area councils. Nephrolepis undulata (Afzel. Ex Sw.) J.Sm. occurred in Bwari, Kuje and Municipal area councils. Coprinus lagopus P.Karst., Daldinia concentrica (Bolton) Cesati and de Notaris, Entodontopsis nitens (Mitt.) W.R.Buck and Ireland, Syntrichia laevipila (Brid.) K.F.Schultz. occurred in Bwari, Gwagwalada, Kuje, and Municipal area councils. Having studied the diversity and classification of epiphytes of the Federal Capital Territory, it is recommended that further research analysis be carried on the phytochemical constituents of some of these epiphytes to determine their major classes of compounds.Item Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth, Yield and Quality of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cv. Pusa Himani(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-10) Ajmeri, AS; Bairwa, H; Pilania, S; Meena, R; Bunker, R; Meena, RL; Chandel, R.In this report, we compared the integrated effect of FYM, vermicompost, poultry manure with inorganic fertilizers incorporated with PSB for yield in radish cv. Pusa Himani in response of morphological, yield as well as quality attributes. As per data analysis T6 [NPK (75%) + vermicompost (25% of N) + PSB] significantly enhanced the highest plant height, leaf length, number of leaves per plant, fresh weight of shoot and dry weight of shoot at 20 DAS, 40 DAS and at harvest, respectively. Similarly, at harvest maximum root length, maximum root diameter, maximum average weight of root, maximum yield per hectare, minimum days to harvest and quality parameters i.e. T.S.S., ascorbic acid, chlorophyll content of leaves, net return and B-C ratio in comparison to all concentration with all integrated nutrient combination. So, we may conclude that [NPK (75%) + vermicompost (25% of N) + PSB] increase yield by stimulating source activity as well improves utilization of PGR (plant growth regulators).Item Effect of Different Levels of Uptake Stimulants on the Yield of Dolichos Bean (Lablab purpureus)(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Kumar, N; Dekhane, S.This case study investigates the impact of different levels of uptake stimulants on the growth and yield of a leguminous vegetable crop Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus). The field experiment was conducted during the Rabi season of 2024 at agricultural land of ASPEE Foundation based in Palghar, Maharashtra. The study utilized a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications and seven treatments. Each treatment received drenched well-formulated nutrients in different concentration. The highest pod yield was recorded 2.187 ton/ha with the application of 2 ml P star used per liter of water(T2). For the considered Bauni variety of Dolichos bean, the soil parameters of experimental field are as follows: pH 7.28, Organic Carbon (OC) 0.17%, Electrical Conductivity (EC) 0.84 dS/m, Nitrogen (N) 85.29 kg/ha, Phosphorus (P) 92.19 kg/ha, and Potassium (K) 394.17 kg/ha. This indicates that the application of appropriate treatments using appropriate crop protection equipment with integrated nutrient management (INM) significantly enhanced both growth and yield parameters of Dolichos bean such as number of pods per cluster, pod weight, number of seeds per pod, pod yield per plant and pod Yield (kg/ha).Item Cytotoxic and Anti-inflammatory Properties of Two Medicinal Plant Recipes Decoctions, acphyx and chryfa, Used in Traditional Medicine of Burkina Faso(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-10) Laurent, BAG; Bagora, B; Sergine, K; Mohamed, BB; Madinatou, OA; Boubacar, Y; Zacqueline, Y; Moumouni, K; Dénise, I; Charles, S; Pascal, N; Jean-Marie, C; Paul, D; Théodora, Z; Aristide, T; Noufou, O; Sylvin, O; Rasmane, S; Jacques, S; Pierre, GI.Aims: Cancer is a major public health problem worldwide and in Burkina Faso. This study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory properties of ACPHYX and CHRYFA, two medicinal plant recipes used against inflammatory diseases in traditional medicine in Burkina Faso. Study Design: The anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative activity on prostate and cervical cancer cells of a recipe orients on its possible anti-cancer properties. Then would help to realize ethnopharmacological evidence study for its validation or not as a phytomedicine against prostate or cervical cancer. Place and Duration of Study: The studies were carried out in the laboratories of the Pietro Anignoni Biomolecular Research Center (CERBA) and the Health Sciences Research Institute (IRSS/CNRST) from December 2021 to March 2023 in Burkina Faso. Methodology: An aqueous decoction of ACPHYX recipe and CHRYFA recipe, were made. The phytochemical groups of interest and the phenolic compound content of the extracts were determined. The antioxidant test was performed by the DPPH and FRAP methods. The cytotoxic activity on cancer cells was evaluated by the MTT test. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by pro-inflammatory enzyme inhibition tests (15-lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenases), anti-edema and antihistamine tests. Results: ACPHYX decoction showed the best antioxidant activity by DPPH method (IC50 of 12.80 ± 0.5?g/mL). The chelation capacity evaluated by FRAP method was also better with ACPHYX decoction (1.94 ± 0.296 mmol EAA/g). ACPHYX decoction also showed the best cytotoxic activity on prostate cancer DU145 cells (175.5 ± 3.79 ?g/mL) and cervical cancer HeLa cells (302.5 ± 64.36 ?g/mL). In vitro, the extracts inhibited 60% edema at 400 mg/kg dose and 79.32% scratching inhibition at 600 mg/kg dose. Conclusion: The strongest anti-inflammatory activity in vitro and in vivo was observed with ACPHYX extract. ACPHYX recipe compared to CHRYFA showed better cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory properties. Its use could help to treat tumor and inflammatory conditions through further studies.Item Analysis of Gene Action and Genetic Variability for Enhanced Seedling Traits in Mulberry (Morus spp.)(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Kalpana, PG; J S, S; C, S; Chikkalingaiah.Information regarding the nature of gene action controlling the yield and yield contributing characters are essential for implementing good breeding program. With this background, a study was conducted to understand the gene action and variance of lines and testers for seedling traits in mulberry. The percent contribution of testers, lines and their interaction to total variance for all the traits clearly revealed that contribution of lines towards total variance was higher than males for all characters. The variance due to lines (females) was significant for germination percentage, seedling height at 60, 90th DAS, number of branches, intermodal distance, but non- significant for the left-over characters studied. The variance due to Testers (males) was significant for Germination percentage, intermodal distance but non-significant for other characters studied. The line × tester interaction variance was very much significant for germination percentage, seedling height at 90th DAS, average leaf weight (g), Leaf area (cm2) but non- significant for plant height at 60, 120th DAS, number of branches, intermodal distance (cm). Variance due to crosses was exceedingly significant for all characters under study except intermodal distance in the present experiment, an effort was made to know the information on the magnitude of GCA, SCA variance and nature of gene action for the trait as a whole. In this experiment also, non-additive genetic component was the major part of genetic variance for most of the growth parameters.Item Uterine Rupture Due to Oxytocin Overdose Leading to Dystocia in a Labrador Bitch(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-10) B., Balamurugan; Narwade, P; Kumar, V; R.M., Mishara; Ravi, SA three-year-old Labrador bitch brought to the TVCC-FVAS-BHU-Mirzapur, with the history of whelped one dead puppy 12 hrs before further no progress of delivery. The bitch administered with a total dose of 30 IU of oxytocin intramuscularly but there was no progress. Abdominal palpation revealed presence of fetal like mass and per-vaginal examination revealed presence of fetal parts in the birth canal. The bitch was treated with oxytocin @ 0.2 IU/kg body weight slow IV with 25% dextrose 0.2ml/kg body weight slow IV, a dead male fetus was removed through mutational operation after 15 minutes, after that no puppies were palpable. Radiographic examination revealed presence of four fetuses in the abdominal cavity. It was then decided to go for cesarean section. The surgical operation was done as per the standard routine procedures. The bitch was treated with antibiotic and analgesic for 3 days. The bitch had uneventful recovery with proper postoperative care. In the present study we concluded that the dystocia was due to uterine rupture and this can be corrected through exploratory laparotomy.Item Phytochemical Analysis and Evaluation of the Antifungal Activity of Five Plants against Four Dermatophytes Responsible for Superficial Infections(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-10) Josette, AD; Mathieu, KAK; Ange, KGKN; Eric-Kevin, BG.This study is of great interest due to the rise in superficial infections caused by dermatophytes and the need to find natural alternatives to synthetic antifungals. The objective of this research was to determine the phytochemical composition and antifungal activity of total extracts from five plants: Zanthoxylum gilletii, Distemonanthus benthamianus, Gmelina arborea, Justicia secunda, and Anacardium occidentale against four dermatophytes, namely Microsporum canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum, and Trichophyton soudanense. To achieve this, aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts were prepared and subjected to phytochemical analysis, followed by evaluations of antifungal activity using the slant double-tube method. Antifungal parameters (IC50 and MFC) were determined. The results revealed the presence of various bioactive compounds, such as flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids, in most of the extracts. Z. gilletii and D. benthamianus showed strong efficacy, with IC50 values of 0.004 to 0.00609 mg/mL and 0.018 to 0.155 mg/mL, and MFC values of 0.0975 to 0.39 mg/mL and 0.39 to 12.5 mg/mL respectively, particularly against M. canis and T. soudanense. In contrast, A. occidentale showed no significant antifungal activity. This study thus highlights the potential of plant extracts in the treatment of skin infections and justifies further research to explore their clinical application.Item Comparative Study of Producer’s Post-Harvest Practices and Quality of Cashew Nuts (Anacardium occidentale L.) Produced in Five Localities of Sub-prefecture of Katogo, Far North of Côte d'Ivoire(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-10) Souleymane, S; Fabrice, ZA; Liliane, KM; Abdramane, SS; Abdoulaye, T; Réné, SY.Post-harvest practices of cashew nuts by producers are essential for improving the quality of cashew nuts. This study was carried out to contribute to improving the quality of cashew nuts produced in 5 localities in the Katogo sub-prefecture. Socilogical survey and post-harvest practices were carried out among producers in Sologneugo, Kaniéné, Koliani, Nidienkaha and Tiorotieri in order to evaluate these practices on the quality of cashew nuts. Quality parameters of the cashew nuts produced were determined according to the quality criteria defined by the Ivorian standard. Study revealed non-compliance with certain CCA (cotton council cashew) instructions. In the 5 localities, 44% of producers stored nuts in homes compared to 56% in stores. In addition, 30% of floor storage was achieved compared to 52% on boards and 18% on bricks. Drying carried out for 3 days was carried out by 55% of producers while those who carried out beyond 3 days represented 45%. Determination of the quality parameters of the 5 localities revealed values varying from 7 to 8.55%; 65 to 143 nuts/Kg; 3 to 61% and 48.40 to 49.80 Ib respectively for humidity, graining, defect rate and KOR. Non-compliance with the application of post-harvest operations has negatively impacted the quality of cashew nuts produced in the 5 localities. Producers in these localities must be made aware of respecting post-harvest operations in order to improve their income.Item Successful Management of Fetal Macerations in Two Different Does(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Narwade, P; Balamurugan, B; Jena, D; Ravi, SK; Mishra, RM.Two cases of fetal macerations were presented at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Barkachha, Mirzapur with varying degree of signs and symptoms in does. The detailed case history, signs and symptoms along with successful treatment and management are discussed in this case report.Item Preliminary Studies on Seed Dormancy of Premna latifolia Roxb.(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-10) Rawat, S; Thapliyal, M.Background: Premna latifolia Roxb. (Lamiaceae) is a deciduous tree distributed in Africa to China, throughout Indochina and Malaysia, to Australia and the Pacific. The various parts of the plant (leaves, stem bark and root) is reported to have numerous medicinal properties. The lack of understanding and consideration of dormancy and germination traits of a species could result in unsuccessful restoration programme. The aim of the present study was to investigate the nature of seed dormancy of P. latifolia that have low germination in natural conditions. Materials and Methods: To determine the type of seed dormancy, water imbibition and germination test were performed. Seeds were treated by mechanical scarification, Gibberellic acid (GA) and combined treatment of scarification and GA before allowing them to imbibe in moist paper. Results: All the treated (mechanically scarified, GA treated, mechanically scarified + GA treated) and untreated (control) seeds imbibed water for 4 days, however the maximum imbibition occurred in scarified seed + GA3 500ppm for 24 h (40.3%) followed by mechanically scarified seeds (38.7%). Higher germination was observed in scarified seeds + GA3 500ppm for 24 h (44%) followed by GA3 500ppm for 24 h (29.3%). Whereas, lowest germination was observed in untreated seeds (6.6%). Conclusion: Seeds possess non -deep physiological dormancy which requires scarification and treatment of GA to enhance germination.Item Digital Technology: A Game Changer in Vegetable Cultivation(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-02) Akhter, A; Nabi, A; Narayan, S; Akhter, S; Lone, BA; Yousuf, V; Shakeel, B; Ramzan, S; Zargar, KA; Farooq, I; Indrabi, SA; Javeed, I; Sultan, A; Farwah, S.Vegetables are important constituents of Indian agriculture and nutritional security due to their short duration, high yielding capacity, nutritional richness, economic viability and ability to generate on farm and off farm employment. Increasing per capita income, health consciousness, urbanisation, increasing working women, shifting of farmers to high value vegetables are also important ingredients for fuelling vegetable growth in India. But we are still not getting the required /capita vegetables/ the answer to increasing the production of various vegetables employing various digital technologies is required. Growing high yielding varieties/hybrids and applying new production methods can significantly increase yield in most vegetables. The application of digital technologies to integrate agricultural output from the paddock to the customer is known as digital agriculture. These technologies can give the agricultural business the tools and data it needs to make better decisions and increase productivity). Information and communication technology (ICTs) and Artificial intelligence (AI) are the two key technologies used in digital agriculture. Information and communication technology (ICT) can be defined as a collection of technologies that aid or support the storage, processing, or distribution of data/information.Despite a big, well-educated, well-trained, and well-organized agricultural extension workforce, over 60% of farmers in the country remain unreached, with no extension organisation serving them. Radio and television are the primary sources of information. e- Extension, Agrisnet, Digital green, e- Sagu, Agmarknet, iKisan, Village Knowledge Centers, Kisan Call Centers, SMS Portal/mKisan portal are some of the e-Agriculture efforts in India. Furthermore, information and communication technology (ICT) aid in the timely completion of decisions, as well as the discovery of the best solutions and efficient systems for water management and irrigation in order to maximise production Artificial intelligence is assisting several agricultural sectors in increasing output and efficiency. In every industry, AI technologies are help in overcoming traditional hurdles. AI intervention in agriculture is assisting farmers in increasing their farming efficiency while reducing harmful environmental impacts. The agriculture business has embraced AI with open arms in order to improve overall results.AI is changing the way food is produced, resulting in a 20% reduction in agriculture sector emissions. Incorporating AI technology into agriculture, aids in the control and management of any unwelcome natural occurrence. It consists of robotic process automation, a machine learning platform, and sensors, among other things. Harvesting, weed management, pest and disease monitoring, irrigation control, and predictive agricultural analytics are all possible with these. Artificial intelligence and information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to be a technological revolution and a boom in agriculture, helping to feed the world's growing population.Item Impact of Seed Size on Germination, Seedling Vigor, and Quality Traits in Fodder Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) Varieties(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Valmik, A; Syed, M; Pandey, S; Kumar, N.A study was conducted to investigate how seed size affects germination and vigor of cowpea seeds. The differences due to vigour parameters of graded seeds were significant due to varieties cv. Bundel Lobia-1 showed better vigour than cv. UPC-607. Variety Bundel Lobia-1 recorded significantly higher seed weight (102.6 g) than variety UPC-607 (92.1 g). There was a significant difference between seed grades, large seeds having significantly more than 1000 seed weight (118.3 g) followed by ungraded seeds (107.2 g), medium seeds (97.1 g) and small seeds (66.8 g), respectively. Interaction Cv- Bundel Lobia-1 (93.0%) recorded a significantly superior germination percentage over cv. UPC-607 (86.48 %). However, the differences were non- significant due to seed sizes, large seeds (91.03%) recorded more germination percentage followed by medium seeds (90.34%), ungraded seeds (89.44%) and small seeds (88.16%) respectively.Item Alpinia zerumbet Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Effects: A Literature Review(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Ferreira, F dos S; Silva, PHF da; Mattos, JLA de; Resende, A de C; Ognibene, DT; Costa, CA da; Montes, GC; Fontes-Dantas, FL; Bem, GF de.Studies demonstrated that many elderly individuals suffer from depressive and anxiety disorders. The drugs used to treat these disorders cause adverse effects such as sedation, gastrointestinal discomfort, and locomotor deficits, which are often responsible for treatment abandonment. Literature data also describe that older people may be refractory to pharmacological treatments used to combat depressive and anxiety disorders, which is potentially worrying due to the suicide risk associated with these conditions. Previous research reported the medicinal plant's beneficial potential in psychiatric disease treatment due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiapoptotic actions. This paper reviews the Alpinia zerumbet actions, a medicinal plant with antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, through increases in noradrenergic neurotransmission and decreases oxidative stress on the central nervous system by increasing antioxidant activity. Moreover, Alpinia zerumbet also causes a reduction in IL-6 and elevates BDNF levels in the hippocampus, contributing to its antidepressant, anxiolytic, and anti-inflammatory actions. The adverse effects reduction, combined with the fact that there is no toxicity when ingested by humans and increased longevity, suggests that this medicinal plant is promising for older individuals treatment who suffer from depression and anxiety.Item From Ancient Threads to Colonial Commerce: The Evolution of West Bengals Silk Industry from Mythical Origins to Independence(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) S. M, K; K. S, S; K. S, NR; S, C; Kotipalli, M; S. M, B; Morabad, PB.Silk production, or sericulture, has a rich history that is frequently eclipsed by its modern applications. Sericulture began in ancient China approximately 3000 BC and this was a well held secret until it spread to Korea, India and eventually the West through a variety of causes, including royal intrigue and missionary endeavours. By the Han Dynasty, silk had evolved from a luxury item to a valuable economic asset, impacting trade and culture throughout Asia and Europe. India's silk industry, as documented in ancient scriptures, progressed from early wild silk production in the Himalayan foothills to sophisticated mulberry sericulture by the 2nd century BCE. The Mughal dynasty improved Indian silk traditions by incorporating several weaving techniques and nurturing a thriving business in Kashmir and Bengal. From 1612 to 1858, the East India Company capitalised on Bengal's silk potential by building trading centres and using Piedmontese reeling technology to improve quality. Despite initial hurdles, Bengal silk became a major export commodity, but colonial policies and technological shifts eventually led to its demise. Silk output fell dramatically after independence due to a variety of economic and geopolitical issues. This article investigates the growth of India's silk industry, focussing on Bengal's key role and examines the effects of colonial control, technological advancements and the sector's trajectory up to Independence.Item Effect of Trichoderma harzianum and Selected Botanicals on Brown Leaf Spot of Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) Caused by Helminthosporium oryzae (Breda de Haan)(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Thakur, A; Lal, AA.Paddy or rice crop (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important cereal crop next to wheat in area and production. The present study was investigated to evaluate the effect of Trichoderma harzianum and selected botanicals on brown leaf spot of Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) caused by Helminthosporium oryzae (Breda de Haan) under field condition. Three replications of paddy were planted in a randomized block design at the research plot of the Central Research Field, Department of Plant Pathology, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology And Sciences, Prayagraj during Kharif season of 2023. The minimum per cent disease intensity was recorded in T5- Trichoderma harzianum @ 0.1% (S.D) + Garlic bulb extract @ 10% (F.S) (33.06) followed by by Trichoderma harzianum @ 0.1% (S.D) + Neem leaf extract @ 10% (F.S) (37.81). Maximum plant height 102.34 (cm), number of tillers (27.00), panicle length 20.91 (cm), and yield (5.13 t/ha) were recorded in Trichoderma harzianum @ 0.1% (S.D) + Garlic bulb extract @ 10% (F.S) whereas maximum cost benfit ratio (1: 2.67) was recorded in T1- Trichoderma harzianum @ 0.1% (S.D) + Neem leaf extract @ 10% (F.S) when compared to untreated check.Item Rapid Assessment of Riparian Vegetation at Calyawan River, Barangay Andap, Municipality of New Bataan, Davao de Oro Province, Philippines(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Jr, GFA; Ventura, RBAims: The aim of this study was to examine the vegetation found along the riverbanks of the Calyawan River in Barangay Andap, Municipality of New Bataan, Province of Davao de Oro, Philippines using the transect walk method. The goals were to determine the variety and abundance of the flora along the riverbank, evaluate the conservation status of the discovered plant species, and suggest measures for safeguarding and preserving the riparian environment. Study Design: The study employed a transect walk method to carry out an initial survey of the riparian vegetation. A 1-kilometer transect was conducted along the riverbanks of the Calyawan River to gather qualitative and quantiatative measurements of plant diversity. The evaluation took place on December 20, 2022. This approach facilitated a quick and systematic examination of the vegetation along the riverbanks. Place and Duration: The study was carried out on the riverbanks of the Calyawan River in Barangay Andap, Municipality of New Bataan, Province of Davao de Oro. The fieldwork was conducted on December 20, 2022. The region can be reached by using the Compostela-Montevista-Mati Boundary Road. Methodology: The transect walk approach was employed to record the riparian flora during the survey. Plant species were identified and photographed, but no tangible plant specimens were collected. The obtained data encompassed the identification of fern and angiosperm taxa and families encountered along the transect. The conservation status assessments were conducted using the pre-existing classifications of the species. Results: A rapid assessment revealed the presence of 49 distinct genera of ferns and angiosperm plants belonging to 30 different families along the transect. Out of these, 74% of the riparian plant genera that were identified were found to be endemic to the region. The assessment of the riparian plants' conservation status indicated that 37% were classed as vulnerable, 30% as least concern, 22% as other threatened species, 10% as endangered, and 1% were not categorized. Although the sample time was short, these findings emphasize the abundance and importance of the riparian flora in terms of conservation. Conclusion: The initial study conducted along the riverbanks of Calyawan River indicated a notable variety of plants that grow along the river, with a large number of species that are unique to that area. Many identified plants have a conservation status that emphasizes the necessity for heightened sampling efforts and monitoring in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of and safeguard this rich ecosystem. Considering the clear human-induced stresses on the forest fragments in the region, it is advisable to enhance and broaden conservation efforts in order to protect the riparian vegetation and guarantee its ongoing existence.Item Vulvar Paget’s Disease with Inguinal Lymph Node Metastasis: A Case Report(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Santos, HM dos; Amaral, C dos S do; Neto, OVZ; Silva, DT de R e.Vulvar Paget's disease is a clinical condition with an invariable course affecting women of advanced age, and is associated with a significant rate of recurrence and dissemination, especially in its invasive form, which has a high metastatic potential. Here we present details of a unique case involving a 77-year-old woman with a history of disease progression over more than a decade. She initially presented with an erythematous lesion in the vulvar region, which was later diagnosed as adenocarcinoma in situ. During follow-up, the affected area extended to the perineal and gluteal regions, indicating an invasive aspect of the tumor. Due to surgical oncology recommendations, tissue resection was not feasible. The pacient experienced a significant worsening of symptoms, including local peeling of the affected region, and a biopsy confirmed Paget's disease in the vulvar region. Subsequently, imaging tests indicated changes in the volume of the inguinal lymph nodes. The patient underwent lymphadenectomy for histological analysis and to prevent systemic dissemination. Indicators of lymph node metastasis, suggestive of a gynecological primary site, were observed. Our case provides valuable insights for pathologists to consider the differential diagnosis of vulvar lesions.Item Study on Maturity Indices and Effect of Growing Substrates on Seed Germination of Litsea glutinosa(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Thapliyal, M; N.K., N; Deepika; Singh, G.Aim: Litsea glutinosa is a multipurpose, fast-growing tree widely exploited due to its multipurpose utilisation. Species reported low seed viability, hence generally propagated through vegetative methods. We studied the maturity indices of fruits and seeds to determine the optimal collection stage. Studied the effect of different growing substrates and Gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment on the germination percent (GP), mean germination time (MGT), germination value (GV), peak value (PV), and germination index (GI). Study Design: Study was conducted at Forest Tree Seed Laboratory, ICFRE-FRI. The change in fruit colour from green, dark brown purple, and dark blue stages was compared with the seed parameters, germination percent, mean germination time, germination value, etc. to obtain the most suitable stage for fruit and seed maturity. Seed germination experiment was conducted in Complete Randomized Design with four replications of 25 seeds for each treatment. Seeds were sown directly on different germination substrates, such as filter paper, sand, and vermiculite, without treatment and also with 0.05% GA3 pretreatment. Seeds were kept in the seed germinator at 25±1ºC with a 24-hour photoperiod and high relative humidity (RH > 90%). Results: The highest germination rate was observed in vermiculite with GA3 soaking . i.e., 80±3.26%, followed by vermiculite 68±8.64%. The lowest germination percent of 5±4.08% was observed in seeds plated on filter paper with GA3 soaking. No germination was recorded in the seeds plated on the filter paper. Conclusion: Most suitable germination medium to maximise the germination of L. glutinosa seed is vermiculite. Furthermore, the pretreatment of seeds in GA3 (0.05%) for 24 hours and sowing in vermiculite improves overall performance with respect to GP, MGT, GV, PV, and GI. In the context of maturity indices, the dark blue stage with a moisture content of around 50% is the right stage for the collection of seeds of the species. This stage is characterised by high GP, GV, and low MGT values as compared to other growth stages.Item Common Tinsel [Catapaecilma major (Druce, 1895)]: A New Record for Butterflies in Chhattisgarh, India(Ms. M. B. Mondal, 2024-09) Tandan, HN; Vishwanathan, P; Shrimali, C; Sultana, R; Chand, G; Naidu, R; Patel, SK; Bervanshi, SD; Bhardwaj, PK; Lama, LB; Rajan, VDuring a field visit to Kanger Valley National Park (KVNP), we had the opportunity to capture photographs of the Common Tinsel - Catapaecilma major Druce, 1895. The species was spotted along the forest trail that leads to Kotumsar cave from Kotumsar Bariar (NH30), the entrance of the Kanger Valley National Park in Bastar. This area is characterized by dense forest habitat dominated by Shorea robusta trees. Notably, the presence of the Common Tinsel butterfly had never been documented in the Chhattisgarh state prior to this sighting, thus marking its inclusion as a new record for the butterfly fauna of Chhattisgarh.