(Indian Society for Health And Advanced Reaserch, 2022-06) Pasha, Dr Mohd Masood; Pooja, Dr A Shree; Afzal, Dr Mohammed Danish
In general Swelling over sublingual regions will be provisionally diagnosed as Dermoid cyst / Ranula / Mucous retention cyst / Salivary gland tumours. But in rarest of rare cases, there may be chances of a Hydatid cyst. Hydatid disease or Echinococcosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus as seen in this 29years old female with swelling over the sublingual region extending into the neck. Clinically appeared as dermoid cyst and radiological investigations suggestive of the possibility of ranula, so planned for surgery but surprisingly on table after opening the swelling there was a tough ?brous layer with underneath thick whitish lamellated membrane, anticipated as hydatid cyst which was also con?rmed by the histopathological report.