A comparison of the efficacy of sublingual and oral misoprostol 400 microgram in the management of early pregnancy failure: a randomized controlled trial.

OBJECTIVE: To compare repeated doses of sublingual with oral misoprostol in the medical management of early pregnancy failure. MATERIAL AND METHOD: One hundred and thirty eight women with a period of gestation less than 20 week calculated by her last menstrual period and less than 12 weeks by size were sequentially allocated to two groups to receive either 400 microg of misoprostol orally or sublingually every 4 hours until termination of pregnancy was completed. RESULTS: There is no difference in the mean induction to abortion interval. Fever and chill were more common in sublingual group compared with oral group. The other adverse effects were similar and included nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and headache. CONCLUSION: Sublingual misoprostol is as effective as oral route. Most adverse effects are similar in both groups except fever was more common in sublingual group.
Chotmaihet Thangphaet.
Ayudhaya OP, Herabutya Y, Chanrachakul B, Ayuthaya NI, O-Prasertsawat P. A comparison of the efficacy of sublingual and oral misoprostol 400 microgram in the management of early pregnancy failure: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. 2006 Oct; 89 Suppl 4(): S5-10