Usefulness of the TG/HDL Ratio in Predicting Cardiovascular Risk: A MMIMSR Experience
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JK Science
The present study was aimed to compare traditional lipid measures with the lipid ratios to establish a bettermarker for the assessment of coronary artery disease (CAD) risk. The comparison of traditional lipid parametersand lipid ratios were made in terms of independent ‘t’ test, area under receiver operating characteristic(AUROC) curve and logistic regression analysis. LDL-C and HDL-C could not correlate well with CAD riskprediction. Strikingly, TG/HDL ratio was found to be more significantly associated in comparison to any ofthe individual lipid parameters as well as TC/HDL and LDL/HDL ratios when compared in terms of AUROCand logistic regression analysis, while LDL/HDL ratio could not correlate. Altogether, these findings infer thatTG/HDL ratio is a better parameter in CAD risk prediction. Additionally, the TG/HDL ratio being calculatedparameter incurs no additional cost to the patients and health care system. Henceforth, the authors suggest theincorporation of the TG/HDL ratio in the routine lipid panel for the better diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia.
Coronary artery disease, Routine lipid profile, Lipid ratios, AUROC, Logistic regression analysis.
Singh Sonu Kr, Aggarwal Jyoti, Kathariya Gobardhan, Manzoor Sajaad. Usefulness of the TG/HDL Ratio in Predicting Cardiovascular Risk: A MMIMSR Experience. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2020 Apr; 2020 Apr: 75-79