Variation In Lobes And Fissures Of Lung

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IMED Research Publications
Introduction: Lungs are the paired vital organs meant for respiration situated in the thoracic cavity on either sideof the heart. The right lung is divided into supe-rior, middle & inferior lobes by oblique and horizontal fissure.While the left lung is divided into supe-rior & inferior lobes by an oblique fissure. The fissures permit distensionof the lobes during respiration. The fissures may be complete, incomplete or absent.Aim: To find out the variations in fissures and lobes along with their patterns, in human lungs; collected fromcadavers.Result: Out of 50 right lung specimen, the horizontal fissure was absent in two cases whereas the horizontalfissure was incompletely seen in 18 specimens. Incomplete oblique fissure was seen in 7 right sided lungs. Wereported accessory fissures and accessory lobes in 14 specimens. The oblique fissure was absent in 4 left lungsand it was incomplete in 14 lungs. Accessory fissures and lobes were present in 8 specimens.Conclusion: Knowledge of any variations is necessary in performing segmental resection and lobectomy. Accessoryfissures indicate persistence of prenatal fissures.
Fissures of Lung, Accessory Fissures, Accessory Lobes
Ughade Jaideo M, Kardile Poorwa B, Tekade Pawan R. Variation In Lobes And Fissures Of Lung. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2018 Jan; 6(1): 5020-5023