To Study The Comparison Of Scaphoid Nonunion Treated By Vascularised Bone Graft From Distal End Of Radius With That Of Non Vascularised Bone Graft From Iliac Crest In A Medical College Hospital Setup

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Aprospective randomised study comparing radiographic results of 10 patients treated for scaphoid nonunion using a vascularised bone graft from the dorsum of distal radius (group I), relative to 10 patients treated by means of non vascularised bone graft from the iliac crest(group II). Bone union was achieved in 7 of 10 patients group I and 4 of 10 group II patients. Functional results were good to excellent in 7 of the patients in group I and 6 in group II. Our study conclude that vascularised bone grafting yields superior results in scaphoid nonunion.
Agrawal Deepak P, Barwal Ajinkya. To Study The Comparison Of Scaphoid Nonunion Treated By Vascularised Bone Graft From Distal End Of Radius With That Of Non Vascularised Bone Graft From Iliac Crest In A Medical College Hospital Setup. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2018 Dec; 7(12): 12-13