Spiral CT diagnosis and endodontic management of an anatomically variant palatal root with two canals in a maxillary first molar.

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This case report presents the endodontic management of an anatomically variant palatal root with 2 canals (Vertucci type II) in a maxillary first molar, which was confirmed with the help of spiral computed tomography (SCT). This serves to remind clinicians that such anatomic variations should be taken into account during the endodontic treatment of maxillary molars and highlights the invaluable aid of the SCT in accurate diagnosis and in negotiating the complex morphologic variations in root canals, thus enabling successful endodontic management.
Two palatal canal, maxillary first molar, spiral CT
Deepalakshmi Mohanavelu, Miglani Revathi, Indira Rajamani, Ramachandran S. Spiral CT diagnosis and endodontic management of an anatomically variant palatal root with two canals in a maxillary first molar. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2010 Jul-Sept; 21(3): 443-445.