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Background: Menstrual problems remain a challenging condition for women at all ages. Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is defined as bleeding from uterine corpus that is abnormal in volume, regularity and or timing and that has persisted for the majority of the previous six months. AUB can affect people of any age and be either ovulatory or non- ovulatory. Histopathological assessment of endometrial curettages has a 96% sensitivity and 98.3% specificity. Thus, endometrial biopsy sample with a clinico-pathologic correlation may continue to be the gold standard for accurately diagnosing endometrial pathology and its management. To study the endometrial histology patterns inObjectives: women among different age groups with abnormal uterine bleeding. A retrospective study was conductedMethods: among 185 women with abnormal uterine bleeding from May 2022 to September 2023. Histopathological study of endometrial patterns was studied. The clinical information and investigation reports pertaining to each case were acquired from individual case requisitions. The data was collected and tabulated in Microsoft excel sheet and the percentages were calculated. This study included 185 women with abnormal uterine bleeding, distributed intoResults: three age groups such as 31-40 years, 41-50 years and 51-60 years of age groups respectively. Most of them (51.35%) belonged to 41-50 years of age group. The Histopathological patterns of endometrium was studied among all the patients, where it showed 100 (54.05%) patients having a proliferative phase endometrium followed by 66 (35.6%) patients having a secretory phase endometrium. Most of them (63%) in this study having proliferative endometrium were in the age group between 41-50 years. Based on the present study, abnormal uterine bleeding wasConclusion: high among peri-menopausal women associated with proliferative endometrium histopathology. Endometrial sampling should be considered in peri-menopausal and post-menopausal group. We conclude that, histopathological studies facilitate in diagnosis and managing women with abnormal uterine bleeding.
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, Endometrial patterns, Histopathology
Deeksha, K Kala, K Ramya . Endometrial-histopathology-patterns-among-women-with-abnormal-uterine-bleeding-in-a-tertiary-care-hospital . Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research. 2024 Jul; 13(7): 4-6