Tomato Diseases: A Threat To Global Food Security
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Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research
Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) are dietary superheroes. Eating of Tomatoes as part of a balanced diet brings plenty of health bene?ts and small raw Tomato is packed with antioxidants, nutrients and several vitamins, including vitamin C, which boost our immune system and vitamin K, which is essential for strong bones. Tomatoes can boost heart health due to the high levels of ?bre and potassium, which help to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Tomatoes used as ?avour enhancers in food and always in high demand, both fresh and processed in to juice, soup, ketchup, puree paste or powder. There are several diseases affecting tomato caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoa and nematodes. By these diseases the production of tomato decreases in ?eld as well as in home gardens. Accurate disease identi?cation is important for treatment of diseases and to improve yield of tomato.
Antioxidants, Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa and Nematodes
Varshney Gaurav . Tomato Diseases: A Threat To Global Food Security . Indian Journal Of Applied Research. 2024 May; 14(5): 47-48