Preliminary test for the detection and characterization of phytomolecules relaxing smooth muscle of dichloromethaneethanolic extract of morinda morindoides (Baker) (Rubiaceae).

The present study focused to investigate the detection and characterization of phytomolecules relaxing smooth muscle of dichloromethane-ethanolic extract of Morinda morindoides using in vitro model. Local rabbit of both sexes weighting between 1500 and 2000 g were used. The effect of the extract on contraction of isolated rabbit ileum and the response of the tissue was investigated. The extract at dose of 49×10-3; 190×10-3; 290×10-3; 390×10-3 mg/ml, attenuated significantly (p< 0,05) spontaneous contractions of the isolated rabbit ileum in a dose-dependant manner. The effective dose for 50% of activity was 193±1,5×10-3 . Tonic contractions initiated by acetylcholine were inhibited by the extract like atropine. The extract also attenuated the spontaneous contractions of the intestine in presence of propanolol. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of sterols and terpenes, polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and alkaloids. This study provided the active compounds with relaxant activity of the extract would be cholinomimetic substances, and may possibly explain the use of the plant in traditional medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorder.
Morinda morindoides, cholinomimetic, rabbit ileum
Adrien Kouangbé Mani, David N''Guessan Jean, Calixte Bahi, Lucien Boga Gogo, Joseph Djaman Allico. Preliminary test for the detection and characterization of phytomolecules relaxing smooth muscle of dichloromethaneethanolic extract of morinda morindoides (Baker) (Rubiaceae). International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2012 Oct-Dec; 3(4): 225-232.