Injuries to the Spine Mechanics : Anatomical and Orthopedic Aspects.

Vertebral injuries can occur as isolated injuries or may be associated with other injuries. Recognition of the level of injury is important along with the mechanism of injury. The article describes the various types of injuries of the vertebral column along with the main mechanisms and the difference between the types of injuries in the vertebral column.
Trauma, Vertebrae, Extension, Flexion, Ankylosing, Rheumatoid
Hassan Ashfaq ul, Hussain Altaf, Hassan Ghulam, Shafi Sajid, Muzzafar Rahil, Rasool Zahida, Hassan Muneeb ul. Injuries to the Spine Mechanics : Anatomical and Orthopedic Aspects. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2014 Jul-Sep; 2(3): 470-473.