Uterine Rupture Due to Oxytocin Overdose Leading to Dystocia in a Labrador Bitch

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Ms. M. B. Mondal
A three-year-old Labrador bitch brought to the TVCC-FVAS-BHU-Mirzapur, with the history of whelped one dead puppy 12 hrs before further no progress of delivery. The bitch administered with a total dose of 30 IU of oxytocin intramuscularly but there was no progress. Abdominal palpation revealed presence of fetal like mass and per-vaginal examination revealed presence of fetal parts in the birth canal. The bitch was treated with oxytocin @ 0.2 IU/kg body weight slow IV with 25% dextrose 0.2ml/kg body weight slow IV, a dead male fetus was removed through mutational operation after 15 minutes, after that no puppies were palpable. Radiographic examination revealed presence of four fetuses in the abdominal cavity. It was then decided to go for cesarean section. The surgical operation was done as per the standard routine procedures. The bitch was treated with antibiotic and analgesic for 3 days. The bitch had uneventful recovery with proper postoperative care. In the present study we concluded that the dystocia was due to uterine rupture and this can be corrected through exploratory laparotomy.
Dystocia, uterine rupture, exploratory laparotomy
B. Balamurugan, Narwade P, Kumar V, R.M. Mishara, Ravi S. Uterine Rupture Due to Oxytocin Overdose Leading to Dystocia in a Labrador Bitch. Annual Research & Review in Biology. 2024 Oct; 39(10): 119-123