Double blind controlled trial of effect of cisapride on gastric emptying in diabetics.

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AIMS: Diabetic gastroparesis is a common complication seen in 20-50% of patients due to autonomic neuropathy involving vagal supply. Cisapride, a specific gastrointestinal cholinomimetic agent may thus be effective. METHODS: Fifty-one diabetic patients (age 12-65 years) of disease duration > 5 years were assessed for symptomatic gastroparesis, other diabetic complications and glycemic control. Gastric emptying time (GET) was estimated using a solid meal method (99mTc labeled rice based idli) and patients randomized to receive either cisapride or placebo for a period of 2 weeks. Cisapride was administered in a dose of 10 mg TID. GET and symptom scores were reassessed on the therapy after 2 weeks. RESULTS: Twenty nine of 51 (56.8%) patients had gastroparesis. Mean GET in the gastroparesis group was 141 +/- 66 minutes compared to 24.53 +/- 10 minutes in the non gastroparesis group (p < 0.01). GET decreased by 72% amongst the patients who received cisapride compared to 23% in the placebo group (p < 0.001). Symptom scores also improved in the cisapride group; no adverse effects were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Cisapride improves the symptom score and the solid gastric emptying time in patients suffering from diabetic gastroparesis.
Dutta U, Padhy AK, Ahuja V, Sharma MP. Double blind controlled trial of effect of cisapride on gastric emptying in diabetics. Tropical Gastroenterology. 1999 Jul-Sep; 20(3): 116-9