Patients Adherence to Physiotherapist Prescribed Self-management Strategies: A Physical Therapist’s Perspective

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Association of Health Professionals and Health Educators
Background:Few studies have been done in India about factors which can influence patient’s adherence to self-management protocol and a physiotherapist’s view on subject of adherence.Material & Methods:This cross-sectional study was conducted via a self-made questionnaire consisting of 20 items. Fifty final BPT and 1styear post graduate students were asked to choosethemost appropriate answer from options given. Descriptive analysis was done using Google Forms.Results:62% strongly agreed that self-management is important. Good self-management strategies should have clarity of instructions (66%), beproper and should be easy to follow (50%). 86% believed proper communication skills, strategy prescription, knowledge, monitoring and follow up by therapist will help patient adhere to strategies. Willingness to exercise (48%), Positive belief in exercise(44%) and Age(56%) were thought to influence patient adherence. Stigma associated with disability (52%), poor inter-professional relation (86%), are barriers. Properly educating the patient about his condition(96%), involving the family members(92%) were believed to be facilitators. 46% therapists agreed that a passive approach should not be used. 54% strongly disagreed they don’t have time to assess patient adherence.Conclusion:Physiotherapists agree that patient’s adherence to physiotherapist prescribed self-management strategies is essential for clinical practice. There is a need to use different approaches to increase patient adherence.
Patient adherence, Self-management, Physiotherapist, Review.
Baxi H, Sheth M.. Patient’s Adherence to Physiotherapist Prescribed Self-management Strategies: A Physical Therapist’s Perspective . National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2021 Mar; 12(1): 68-73