A Comparative Study Of Physiological Variables Among Rural And Urban Football Players Of Murshidabad District

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Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research
Fitness is the term, which is universally used in the present-day health responsive society. The people have realized the importance of fitness in day-to-day routines and also in achieving sports of high quality. The main purpose of the study was to find out some Physiological Variables of Rural and Urban Football Players Only college level male subjects were selected the age groups of the subjects were above 18 to 22 years. Some physiological variables (Vital capacity, Blood pressure, Pulse rate, Resting Heart rate, Haemoglobin, Breath holding Capacity) were measured. For the present study 20 subjects from each group were selected as subjects. The result shows that rural football players are larger than urban football players in terms of physiological variables.
Deb Avijit, Banerjee Amit. A Comparative Study Of Physiological Variables Among Rural And Urban Football Players Of Murshidabad District. Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research. 2023 Jun; 12(6): 1-2