Kewda (Pandanus odorifer) Flower Derived Phytochemicals against Salutaridine Reductase of Hepatitis Virus Causing Hepatitis A

Pandanus odorifer plant extract is traditionally used to cure Hepatitis A. It is caused by Hepatitis virus. Molecular docking method applied using “Biovia Discovery Studio”. “High positive values of -CDOCKER energy and -CDOCKER interaction energy” suggested that 1, 2, 3-benzene triol can effectively deactivate the salutaridine reductaseenzyme thereby interrupting the life cycle of the organism.
Phytochemical, Pandanus odorifer, hepatitis virus, hepatitis A.
Pradhan Pratyasa, Patra Nibedita, Parida Subhadra Manjari, Dash Hrudaya Ballava, Behera Bhagyeswari, Pradhan Srimay. Kewda (Pandanus odorifer) Flower Derived Phytochemicals against Salutaridine Reductase of Hepatitis Virus Causing Hepatitis A. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2020 Jun; 32(9): 122-125