A comparative study of platelets behaviour in controls and acute myocardial infarction patients.

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Acute myocardial infarction is one of the leading vascular diseases. Platelet-endothelium plays a crucial role in its etiopathogenesis. The present study was undertaken to compare the platelet aggregability in controls and acute myocardial infarction patients along with its effect on the peripheral platelet count. The work was conducted in five patients from ICCU and 5 controls between the age group of 40-60 years by using Chronolog Dual Channel Aggrometer with ADP and epinephrine as agonists. The platelets were counted by hemocytometry. The results were statistically analysed by Student's 't' test which was found to be significant. There was increase in the aggregation index in patients compared to controls. It was also observed that the degree of increase was more with ADP than epinephrine. Relatively, there was tendency of low platelet count. The increase in the aggregation index can be attributed to the hyperreactiveness of the platelets to ADP than epinephrine. The relative thrombocytopenia can be accounted to the sequestration of platelets in the coronary microvasculature. In conclusion, balance between EDRF and EDCF determines the platelet activation.
Deshpande NJ, Rao KR. A comparative study of platelets behaviour in controls and acute myocardial infarction patients. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 1998 Apr; 42(2): 307-10