Combination antifungals as an effective means of salvage in paediatric leukaemia patients with invasive fungal infections

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Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists
Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in paediatric leukaemias. Antifungal combinations to treat these patients are being explored. Fourteen children with leukaemias and IFIs were treated with a combination of antifungal agents at our centre. The first antifungal was amphotericin-B in 13 children and voriconazole in one child. In view of no improvement and clinical deterioration, in nine patients, voriconazole was added as the second antifungal agent and in four, it was caspofungin. All patients completed 4�weeks of antifungal therapy. The overall mortality attributable to IFI for the cohort was 4/14 (28%).
Combination antifungals, leukaemias, paediatrics
Meena JP, Gupta AK, Jana M, Seth R. Combination antifungals as an effective means of salvage in paediatric leukaemia patients with invasive fungal infections. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2019 Mar; 37(1): 109-112