Correlation of Expression of Estrogen Receptor, Progesterone Receptor and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2 with Histopathological Grade in Cases of Carcinoma Breast

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International Society for Contemporary Medical Research
Introduction: Breast carcinoma is the most common canceramong women in both developing and developed countries.It needs alarming attention because it causes high morbidityand mortality. There is a need to understand the initiationand progression of breast cancer on hormonal, cellular andmolecular basis which forms the platform for designing oftargeted therapy. This study was intended to find correlationbetween the expression of Estrogen receptor, Progesteronereceptor and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2with histological grade in cases of carcinoma breast.Material and methods: This study was conducted in theDepartment of Pathology at Bhagat Phool Singh GovernmentMedical College for Women, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat on 55histologically confirmed breast cancer cases.Results: The age of the patients ranged from 27 to 70 yearsand the mean age was 51.56 ± 11.39 years. Invasive ductalcarcinoma - no special type was the most common histologicaltype(92.72%). The most common histological grade observedwas grade II i.e. 61.82%. Lymph nodes involvement was seenin 55.32% of the cases. ER, PR and HER-2/neu positivitywas observed in 45.45%, 47.27% and 25.45% of the casesrespectively. ER and PR were found to correlate withhistological grade (p<0.05) while no correlation was observedbetween HER-2/neu and histological grade(p>0.05).Conclusion: Evaluation of ER, PR, and HER-2/neu statusshould be incorporated routinely as a part of histopathologyreports in all cases of breast carcinoma as they not onlyhelp in assessment of prognosis, but also help in decidingmanagement and improving overall survival.
Carcinoma Breast, Estrogen Receptor, Histological Grade, Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2, Progesterone Receptor
Juneja Saurabh, Agarwal Ruchi, Agarwal Deepti, Rana Parveen, Singh Kulwant, Kaur Swaran. Correlation of Expression of Estrogen Receptor, Progesterone Receptor and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2 with Histopathological Grade in Cases of Carcinoma Breast . International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2019 Sep; 6(9): i6-i11