A comparison of the clinical efficacy of ranitidine and sucralfate in reflux esophagitis.

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A total of 40 patients with endoscopically proved reflux esophagitis were treated in a randomised study. Treatment was given for six weeks and consisted of daily doses of either 1 gm sucralfate four times a day or one, 150 mg ranitidine tablet twice daily. Twenty patients received each drug. Clinical evaluation was done weekly and endoscopic evaluation after six weeks. Forty percent patients on ranitidine and 50% patients on sucralfate became asymptomatic at six weeks. Fifty percent patients on ranitidine and 60% patients on sucralfate were endoscopically healed. The results did not show any difference in the effect of ranitidine and sucralfate treatment (p > 0.05). Overall tolerance and compliance in the two forms of treatment was good. Though ranitidine has a more convenient dose schedule and is more cost effective, sucralfate needs further clinical trials.
Chopra BK, Kazal HL, Mittal PK, Sibia SS. A comparison of the clinical efficacy of ranitidine and sucralfate in reflux esophagitis. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1992 Jul; 40(7): 439-41