Stress levels and “immediate examination performance” of medical students.

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Introduction: The effects of stress are known to be multi faceted. Equally unpredictable are the results of examinations. Evaluation of performance of a person in examination depends on many factors. In present study, we attempted to find stress level and their effect on examination performance of first years medical students. Material and methods: We asked the first year medical students to rate their perceived level of stress in percentage score from 0–100; 100 being the highest, along with other relevant data. We correlated this stress level and other factors with their marks in immediate examination, which was conducted in + 10 days of recording stress score. Results:It was found that stress levels higher than 40, suggestive of distress; lead to decrease in examination performance, as evidenced by decrease in marks in all types of examinations: viz. theory viva voce (oral), written theory examination and practical examination. Conclusion: We studied effect of stress on examination performance. We found that higher stress led to poor performance in examinations. (negative correlation) We found high levels of stress in 52% of participants, that affected their exam performance. Since they were not aware of relaxation techniques, we introduced the same to them.
Stress, Stress levels, Marks,, Examination performance
Chimanlal Parikh Hemant, Jayshree Barhatt. Stress levels and “immediate examination performance” of medical students. International Archives of Integrated Medicine. 2015 May; 2(5): 30-36.