GIS-Based Estimate of GHG Emission from Livestock in Anambra State of Nigeria

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The need for improved livestock waste management in developing countries has been emphasized by various researchers. Consideration has been given globally to advocacy for a transition from fossil energy system to Renewable Energy (RE), based on several socio-economic and environmental advantages. Green House Gas (GHG) from agricultural sector of Anambra State, with appropriate waste management strategy such as Anaerobic Digestion (AD) will definitely mitigate Methane emission hazards and will as well supply the much needed energy for domestic and industrial uses. An investigation was carried out in this study to estimate the Methane Emission Potential (MEP) of the study area as a result of poor livestock waste management system practiced in the area. This was achieved by incorporating Geographical Information System (GIS) capability to the Methane estimation. The result of the study shows that two Local Government Areas (LGA) which are Anambra West and Anambra East were the least in MEP with virtually none and 0.000646 Gg/year respectively. Idemili North LGA with MEP of 0.017962 Gg/year was observed to be the highest in Methane emission. On incorporating spatial density mapping on MEP, Onitsha North and Idemili North LGA were identified as the highest risk LGAs, with MEP of 0.00018 Gg/year and 0.000272 Gg/year respectively. The study suggests that an improved livestock waste management system using AD should be incorporated in the study area especially in the high risk zones of Onitsha and Idemili North LGA.
Methane emission, GIS, agricultural waste, anaerobic digestion, Anambra State of Nigeria
Chukwuma E. C., Nwajinka C. O., Orakwe L. C., Odoh C. C.. GIS-Based Estimate of GHG Emission from Livestock in Anambra State of Nigeria. Biotechnology Journal International. 2018 May; 21(2): 1-8