Resinifying therapy in endodontics. II--Histological and bacteriological evaluation.

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This study was conducted on six rabbits, six rats and six human permanent teeth to evaluate histologically the effect of resin resorcinol in the periapical areas, the bacteriological aspect of the resin and the penetration of resin in the dentinal tubules. After 12 days period of observation plenty of lymphocytes and macrophages were evident along with granulomas which are suggestive of the tendency of the resin to stay longer. It was observed that the resin penetrate approximately three fourth distance inside the dentinal tubules. In the last phase the resin was found to be effective against the eight commonly found micro organisms. Though the histological results indicated that the periapical tissue would take longer time for complete repair, yet clinically the tooth functions well. Resinifying therapy is effective and economical method in root canal treatment.
Sikri VK, Sikri P, Singh J, Manjri M, Khanna S. Resinifying therapy in endodontics. II--Histological and bacteriological evaluation. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 1996 Apr-Jun; 7(2): 51-3