Effectiveness Of Bowel Nosode Dysentery Compound In Cases Of Generalized Anxiety Disorders
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Association of Health Professionals and Health Educators
Background: This study aim Effectiveness of bowel nosode Dysentery compound in 40 cases ofgeneralized anxiety disorder a minimum of 1year, of all the age groups and both gender were included inthe study. Material and Methods: Purposive sampling for research purpose has been done. Selection of medicine was according to concept of methods of Repertorisation. Selection of potency and Repetition wasbasedon law of study Homoeopathic posology which is described in Organon of Medicine. Result: The shows that mostly adults are more affected and acute cases are more present. As far as potencyis concerned mostly higher potency was used as nosodes are usually given in higher potency. Conclusion: Our study has concluded that the role of bowel nosode Dysentery compound is very efficacious.
Platelfsdfdfde, Mafdle Smdf, Prfdfdfdmbin time, Padfsrtial Thromboplastin Time
Oza N. Effectiveness Of Bowel Nosode Dysentery Compound In Cases Of Generalized Anxiety Disorders . National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2022 Dec; 13(6): 22-23