Immunomodulatory activity of guduchi ghana (aqueous extract of tinospora cordifolia miers).

In the present work, Guduchi Ghana (concentrated form of aqueous extract of Guduchi) was prepared according to the method described in classical text – Sidhdha Yoga Samgraha and the other sample of aqueous extract was purchased from the market for the assessment of the immunomodulatory activity. It was done by haemagglutination antibody titre method for humoral immunity and footpad swelling method for cell mediated immunity on wistar albino rats. Results of present studies suggest that Guduchi Ghana prepared by classically was found to possess significant immunostimulatory action on immune system but market sample of it exhibited significant immunosuppression effect in dose dependent manner when compare with control group at a dose of 50 mg/kg orally.
Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia), Ghana Kalpana (aqueous extract), Immunomodulatory activity, Cellular mediated immunity, % Haemagglutination antibody titre
Umretia Bharti, Vaishnav P U, Patgiri B J, Prajapati P K, Shukla V J, Ravishankar B. Immunomodulatory activity of guduchi ghana (aqueous extract of tinospora cordifolia miers). National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2013 May-June; 4(3): 90-96.