Etiologic agents of cutaneous infectious granuloma: 2 year-experience from granuloma clinic, Siriraj Hospital.

Etiological diagnosis of cutaneous infectious granuloma is difficult to achieve and leads to difficult in patient management. We proposed to search for etiologic agents by special stain of histologic sections, cultural method and PCR technique for tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacteria. The skin biopsy specimens were obtained from dermatologic patients who attended Granuloma Clinic, Siriraj Hospital from January 1994 to December 1996. Sixty-nine cases of mixed cell granuloma were found during the 2-year-period. The causative agents had been found in 45 cases (65.22%). Mycobacterial infections were documented in 25 cases. Five cases of tuberculous infection were diagnosed by PCR method. Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections were diagnosed by cultural method in 14 cases and the other 6 cases were diagnosed by acid-fast stain in histologic section alone. Actinomycotic mycetoma were diagnosed in 4cases. Fungal infections were documented in 16 cases, which caused by hyaline fungi 7 cases and dematiaceous fungi 9 cases. About one-third of all cases (24 cases) the etiologic agent could not be identified.
Etiologic agents, Cutaneous infectious granuloma
Mahaisavariya Punkae, Chaiprasert Angkana, Sivayathorn Apichati, Suthipinittharm Puan, Boonchai Waranya, Na-Ubol Preeyawis. Etiologic agents of cutaneous infectious granuloma: 2 year-experience from granuloma clinic, Siriraj Hospital. Siriraj Medical Journal, 1997 Oct; 49(10): 980-987.