Convergence Insufficiency in Patients Visiting Eye OPD with Headache.

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The present study was undertaken to find out the incidence of convergence insufficiency in patients presenting in eye OPD with chief complaints of headache. Only patients with normal visual acuity and fundus picture were included in this study. All the 100 patients included in this study were subjected to detailed orthoptic examination which included tests for near point of convergence by RAF, Maddox rod tests and synaptophore examination. It was found that a substantial number of patients had convergence insufficiency and maximum no. of such patients (49%) were in the age group of 20-40 years. The sudy highlights the importance of ortoptic examination in all patients of strain and headache.
Headache, Convergence Insufficiency, Eye
Gupta Archana, Kailwoo S K, Vijayawali. Convergence Insufficiency in Patients Visiting Eye OPD with Headache. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2008 Jul-Sept;10(3): 135-136