Correlating multi-detected computed tomography findings with conventional radiography, operative and histopathological examination in mandibular swellings

dc.contributor.authorAzhar, Mohammed Abdulen_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Mandibular swelling are common entity in dental and general surgery practice requiring prompt intervention, imaging techniques such as plain radiography and especially multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) which offer the potential to improve the outcome buy increasing the accuracy of diagnosis. Materials and methods: In the present study, 30 patients with clinically diagnosed mandibular swelling were evaluated with conventional radiography; MDCT and HPE wherever performed to establish the value of MDCT and to evaluate the role of MDCT in establishing the diagnosis. Results: In the present study, majority of the cases were in the age group of 21-30 years with an male: female ratio of 1:1.5. Most commonly found lesions were odontogenic lesions (27 out of 30 cases) accounting about 90% of all the mandibular swellings. Among the odontogenic lesions ameloblastomas was the most common diagnosis followed by odontogenic keratocyst constituting 48%and 29% respectively in the present study, unilocular ameloblastoma were more common than multiocular ameloblastomas i.e. 7 out 13 cases (53.85%) among non-odontogenic lesions, central ossifying fibroma was the common diagnosis i.e. 2 out of 3 cases (67%) in the present study, being lesions were common than malignant i.e. 28 out of 30 cases (93.3%) and 2 out of 30 cases (06.66%) were malignant. Mohammed Abdul Azhar. Correlating multi-detected computed tomography findings with conventional radiography, operative and histopathological examination in mandibular swellings. IAIM, 2017; 4(9): 119-124. Page 120 Conclusions: MDCT provided excellent visualization and delineation of mandibular anatomy when compared to plain radiography. MDCT images ideal for pre-operative evaluation as they provide thin sections (<l mm) multiplanar reconstruction in the coronal, sagittal, panoramic and para-axial planes. In addition information regarding the appearance, location, course of anatomic structure in the jaws. Value rendering technique provides near real 3 dimensional appearance of the lesion for the dental surgeon to plan accordingly.en_US
dc.identifier.affiliationsAssistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences, azhar_mubeen2002@yahoo.comen_US
dc.identifier.citationAzhar Mohammed Abdul. Correlating multi-detected computed tomography findings with conventional radiography, operative and histopathological examination in mandibular swellings. International Archives of Integrated Medicine. 2017 Sep; 4(9): 119-124en_US
dc.publisherEducational Society for Excellenceen_US
dc.subjectMulti-detector computed tomographyen_US
dc.subjectMandibular swellingen_US
dc.titleCorrelating multi-detected computed tomography findings with conventional radiography, operative and histopathological examination in mandibular swellingsen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
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