Ultrasonographic study of correlation between development of gallstones with morphology of gallbladder and common bile duct in North Indian Population.

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Background & objectives- Gallbladder diseases are very common in Indian population. Ultrasonography (USG) is the commonest mode of investigation in such conditions .In view of above mentioned points we have conducted the present study on ultrasonographic findings of gallstone (GS) patients . Present study aims at determining the comparative prevalence of single and multiple gallstones and size of gallbladder(GB) and common bile duct (CBD) in patients . In present study we have also tried to find relationship of development of gallstones with age and sex of the patient . Methods- For the purpose of study we have divided patients into seven groups(groups A-G) according to age . In each group we have calculated mean gallbladder size and mean common bile duct diameter with the help of ultrasonographs . Then we will calculate percentage of patients ,patients with multiple stones, patients with single stones , mean gallbladder size and mean gallbladder diameter in each age group. Results- Gallstones patients are more of 25-50 years of age and females are more susceptible according to present study . There were more cases of multiple stones . Mean gallbladder length in all age groups is found to be less than normal. Interpretation & conclusion- Present study suggests increased incidence of gallstones in young population and it underlines the importance of ultrasound in screening gallbladder diseases.
gallbladder, gallstone, ultrasound
Usman Nema, Gupta Rakesh, Khan Swati, Mittal Saurabh. Ultrasonographic study of correlation between development of gallstones with morphology of gallbladder and common bile duct in North Indian Population. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2012 Apr-Jun; 3(2): 41-44.