Three dimensional sonographic appearances of Chinese ring intrauterine device: a case report and literature review.

A 47-year-old Chinese lady presented at our clinic with an intermittent pelvic discomfort for years. Pelvic examination was unremarkable. Transvaginal scan revealed an anteflexed uterus containing a dense echogenic circular device, 3 centimeters in diameter. The heavy sonographic reverberation pattern suggested its metallic composition. Examination with three-dimensional sonographies (3D US) in a reconstructed coronal plane (C plane) with soft tissue subtraction showed a perfectly round intrauterine device (IUD). This device was centrally located and positioned along the axis of the upper part of the uterine cavity. No evidence of myometrial migration was found. To the best of our knowledge, this article presents the first 3D image of this rare device. It also suggested the application of 3D sonographies in determining the contraceptive efficacies and management plans. 3D US images that are related to the intrauterine device were also shown and discussed.
Intrauterine contraceptive device, three-dimensional sonography
Wataganara Tuangsit, Talungjit Pattarawalai, Phithakwatchara Nisarat, Swasdimongkol Siripong. Three dimensional sonographic appearances of Chinese ring intrauterine device: a case report and literature review. Siriraj Medical Journal, 2008 Nov; 60(6): 360-363.