Effect Of Aerobic Training On Selected Physiological Variables Amongst Inter Collegiate Level Netball Players

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Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research
This study explored the result of aerobic training on selected physiological variables amongst inter collegiate level netball players. Thirty male netball players were selected as subjects. Tre age of the subjects ranged from 20 to 25 years. The selected subjects were haphazardly separated into two groups with fifteen subjects in each group (n=15). The groups were named experimental group and control group The experimental group underwent an aerobic training program for the duration of six weeks. The collected data was statistically analysed through using request paired 't' tests. The results of the present study have powerfully indicated that participation in six weeks of aerobic training program resulted in important differences on selected physiological variables.
Deb Avijit, Banerjee Amit. Effect Of Aerobic Training On Selected Physiological Variables Amongst Inter Collegiate Level Netball Players. Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research. 2023 Jun; 12(6): 1-2