A Duration Based Comparative Study To Correlate Hscrp With Microalbuminuria Among Diabetic Outpatients Attending A Tertiary Care Hospital In Subhimalayan Region.

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Background: Microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetic patients is speculated to be accompanied by elevated serum high sensitivity C reactive protein (hsCRP). . Establishing a correlation between hsCRP & microalbuminuria relative to duration of diabetes suggests activation of inflammatory pathways in progression of kidney disease . Materials &Methods: 120 diabetic individuals aged (30-60) yrs ,divided in 3 groups of 40 subjects in each, namely: a) newly diagnosed˂5 years b) 5-10 years after diagnosis and c) ≥10 years after diagnosis were recruited from a tertiary care hospital in sub Himalayan region according to some inclusion and exclusion criteria. Result: Mean values of hsCRP were 0.04 ± 0.005, 0.08 ± 0.011, & 0.10 ± 0.017 and that of micro albumin were 95.42 ± 12.30, 116.79 ± 4.87 & 130.56 ± 7.65 in group 1,2 ,3 respectively. One way ANOVA with post hoc analysis after Bonferroni correction depicted that both hsCRP & micro albumin increased significantly and statistically with duration of diabetes in all 3 groups along with a very significant correlation between them . Conclusion:Both serum hsCRP and microalbuminuria increases with period of diabetes.So the increasing trend of these inflammatory markers needs to be noted early and monitored to prevent progression of diabetic nephropathy
Diabetes, Hscrp, Microalbuminuria
Acharjya Dona, Bhattacharyya Swati, Banerjee Ushasi. A Duration Based Comparative Study To Correlate Hscrp With Microalbuminuria Among Diabetic Outpatients Attending A Tertiary Care Hospital In Subhimalayan Region.. Global Journal For Research Analysis. 2018 Dec; 7(12): 6-8