6 Paths of ERK5 signaling pathway regulate hepatocyte proliferation in rat liver regeneration.

Generally, extra-cellular-signal-regulated kinase 5 (ERK5) signaling pathway regulates many physiological activities, such as cell proliferation and cell differentiation. However, little is known about how ERK5 signaling pathway composed of 15 paths participates in regulating hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration (LR). In this study, to explore the influence ERK5 signaling pathway upon hepatocytes at gene transcription level, rat genome 230 2.0 array was used to detect expression changes of 75 related genes in isolated hepatocytes from rat regenerating liver. Bioinformatics and systems biology methods were applied to analyze the precise role of ERK5 signaling pathway in regulating hepatocyte proliferation during LR. Results showed that 62 genes were contained in the array and 22 genes were significantly changed. It was found that 6 paths were related to hepatocyte proliferation during rat LR. Among them, paths 3, 6 and 13 of ERK5 signaling pathway modulated cell cycle progression by decreasing the negative influence on ERK5 and paths 3, 4, 8 and 9 by reinforcing the positive influence on ERK5. In summary, the study shows that 22 genes and 6 paths of ERK5 signaling pathway participate in regulating proliferation of hepatocytes in rat LR.
ERK5 signaling pathway, Rat liver regeneration, Hepatocyte proliferation, Rat genome 230 2.0 array, Gene expression profiles
Li Zhanpeng, Cheng Zhenchao, Wang Gaiping, Hao Xioxia, Zhang Lijun, Xu Cunshuan. 6 Paths of ERK5 signaling pathway regulate hepatocyte proliferation in rat liver regeneration. Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 2012 Jun; 49(3): 165-172.