Cytotoxic function of gamma delta (ϒ/δ) T cells against pamidronate- treated cervical cancer cells.

The cytotoxic function of polyclonal expanded ϒ/δ T cells against pamidronate-treated cervical cancer cells in vitro and in vivo were determined. The ϒ/δ T cells were isolated and purified from PBMCs by using miniMACS and were later treated with 10 μM pamidronate. The expansion of ϒ/δ T cells was 15 times more than the non-stimulated cells. Among the expanded ϒ/δ T cells, 47% were Vϒ9/Vδ2 T cells with a purity of 87%. Analyzing the cytotoxic function of ϒ/δ T cells against 3 cervical cancer cells in vitro by LDH cytotoxicity test revealed that the killing efficacy increased if the cervical cancer cells (HeLa, SiHa and CaSki) were pretreated with pamidronate. The presence of CD107 on ϒ/δ T cells indicated the degranulation of perforin and granzyme pathway is one of the mechanisms used by the ϒ/δ T cells to kill cancer cells. The killing ability of ϒ/δ T cells against cancer cells in vivo was preliminary assessed by using mouse baring HeLa cells. The results demonstrated that ϒ/δ T cells induce apoptosis in tumor cells. Our study supports the usefulness of ϒ/δ T cells in future development of immunotherapy for cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer, Gamma-delta T cells, Pamidronate, Immunotherapy
Lertworapreecha Monthon, Patumraj Suthiluk, Niruthisard Somchai, Hansasuta Pokrath, Bhattarakosol Parvapan. Cytotoxic function of gamma delta (ϒ/δ) T cells against pamidronate- treated cervical cancer cells. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2013 Aug; 51(8): 597-605.