Genetic variability for morphological, physiological, yield and yield traits in f2 populations of groundnut (arachis hypogaea l).

Twenty eight F2 populations were evaluated for genetic parameters of 23 characters of morphological, physiological, yield and yield attributes during rabi 2009. TPT-4 x ICGV-91114 was distinct for its lowest mean value for days to maturity and highest mean values for number of well-filled and mature pods per plant, shelling per cent, 100- kernel weight. The F2 involving JL-220 as one of the parents viz., JL-220 x ICGV-99029 for SCMR, JL-220 x TCGS- 647 for SMK per cent, protein per cent, kernel yield per plant and pod yield per plant showed the highest per se performance High genotypic coefficient of variation was observed for number of secondary branches per plant. High heritability and high GAM was recorded for number of secondary branches per plant, high heritability and moderate GAM observed for days to 50% flowering. Moderate heritability and high GAM was showed for leaf area index, number of wellfilled and mature pods per plant, dry haulms yield per plant and harvest index. This indicates that these characters are under additive genetic control and selection for genetic improvement will be worthwhile and may rapidly contribute yield.
Groundnut, genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance and genetic advance as percent of mean
John K, Reddy P Raghava, Reddy P Hariprasad, Sudhakar P, Reddy N P Eswar. Genetic variability for morphological, physiological, yield and yield traits in f2 populations of groundnut (arachis hypogaea l). International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2011 Oct-Dec; 2(4): 463-469.