Protective Role of Pomegranate on kidney of Albino Rat Treated with Monosodium Glutamate

dc.contributor.authorSalem, Rasha Rabeaen_US
dc.contributor.authorBiram, Dalia Mahmouden_US
dc.contributor.authorhomosany, Nesrine Mostafa Elen_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Sodium mono glutamate (MSG), the sodium salt of glutamic acid, is a food flavoring agent that is widely used in many countries. Pomegranate is used as a traditional medication in numerous countries, it is planted in Asian countries, Mediterranean countries and the U.S.A. Aim of the work: The present study aimed to detect structural and functional changes in adult rat kidney tissue treated with sodium mono glutamate, and the possible protective effect of pomegranate on the kidney treated with MSG. Materials and Methods: This study was done by using 60 adult Wistar Albino rats of both sexes were divided into three equal groups: Group I (control group), Group II (sodium mono glutamate treated group), and Group III (combined MSG and pomegranate treated group) Doses were given once daily for 8 weeks every day. At the end of the treatment period, blood samples collected from each rat were used for measuring the values of urea and creatinine. Also animals of the different groups were sacrificed at the end of the experiment, quickly dissected and the kidneys were removed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for the histological examination by light microscopy, other tissue sections were evaluated using a transmission electron microscope. Both were used to examine the effect of sodium mono glutamate on cortex of the kidneys of albino rats ,compared with control group and the combined MSG and pomegranate group. Results: There was a major rise in blood urea level and blood creatinine level in sodium mono glutamate treated group in contrast to the control group. There was a significant reduction in blood urea level and blood creatinine level in combined sodium mono glutamate and pomegranate treated group in comparison to MSG treated group. Examination of kidney tissue of rats treated with sodium mono glutamate (Group. II) showed damaging changes of its structure. The glomerulus had markedly widened blood capillaries with thickened filtration membrane. The epithelial tubular cells had marked degenerative changes. Examination of rats kidney tissue treated with sodium mono glutamate and pomegranate (Group III) revealed improvement of the lesions in the glomeruli and renal tubules. Conclusion: Pomegranate protected the kidneys and restricted the histological and functional alterations caused by sodium mono glutamate, and thus, there is an advantage of usage of pomegranate with sodium mono glutamate.en_US
dc.identifier.affiliationsDepartment of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. Orcid iD: 2a Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypten_US
dc.identifier.affiliationsDepartment of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Mutah University, El Kark , Jordan. Orcid iD:
dc.identifier.affiliationsDepartment of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. Orcid iD:
dc.identifier.citationSalem Rasha Rabea, Biram Dalia Mahmoud, homosany Nesrine Mostafa El. Protective Role of Pomegranate on kidney of Albino Rat Treated with Monosodium Glutamate. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2023 Mar; 11(1): 8570-8578en_US
dc.publisherIMD Research Publicationsen_US
dc.subjectSodium mono glutamate (MSG)en_US
dc.subjectBlood Ureaen_US
dc.titleProtective Role of Pomegranate on kidney of Albino Rat Treated with Monosodium Glutamateen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
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