Ivermectin in the treatment of bancroftian filarial infection in Orissa, India.
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Ivermectin treatment was evaluated for its efficacy and side reactions in sixty patients of Orissa with Bancroftian filarial infection and microfilaremia. Ivermectin was administered as a single oral dose at four dosage levels (20, 50, 100 and 200 micrograms/kg), and both microfilarial clearance and associated side reactions were monitored in a double blind fashion. Blood microfilariae were cleared in all patients at all dosages within 1 to 14 days. In most patients microfilariae reappeared by third month. The microfilaria appearance by third and sixth month averaged 12.2 to 44 percent of pretreatment values in the four study groups. Side reactions were encountered in almost all patients, the commonest being fever, headache, weakness, myalgia and cough which occurred most prominently 12 to 72 hours after treatment. Side reactions were more frequent and severe in patients with high microfilaria counts. Clinical reaction scores for each group were independent of the dose administered. The 200 micrograms dose group showed significantly more rapid microfilariae clearance and its delayed reappearance as compared with the other dosage groups and without inducing significantly greater clinical reaction scores.
The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.
Kar SK, Patnaik S, Mania J, Kumaraswami V. Ivermectin in the treatment of bancroftian filarial infection in Orissa, India. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 1993 Mar; 24(1): 80-6