Fibrebronchoscopy in pulmonary sarcoidosis--an Indian experience.

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Twenty-four patients suspected to have sarcoidosis were subjected to fibrebronchoscopy. Histopathological support for the diagnosis was ultimately obtained in 20 patients. Fibrebronchoscopy provided the diagnosis in 17 patients, while histopathological confirmation was obtained from extrapulmonary biopsy sites in 3 patients. Transbronchial lung biopsy, attempted without fluoroscopic guidance, revealed non-caseating granulomata in 15 patients. The only complication encountered was a small pneumothorax, not requiring intervention, in one patient. Lack of fluoroscopic guidance did not compromise the diagnostic yield or increase the complication rate of the procedure. Bronchial biopsy confirmed the diagnosis in 2 patients with a non-specific lung biopsy. It was positive in 6 of 8 patients with an abnormal appearing mucosa and in 5 of 12 patients with a normal bronchial tree. Random bronchial biopsy in all patients, irrespective of mucosal changes, made an important contribution to the yield of fibrebronchoscopy. Fibrebronchoscopy confirmed the diagnosis of tuberculosis in 2 patients with an atypical radiological picture, thereby differentiating the two conditions which occasionally mimic each other.
Pant K, Chawla R, Shah A, Gaur SN, Bhagat R, Bhatia A, Jaggi OP. Fibrebronchoscopy in pulmonary sarcoidosis--an Indian experience. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences. 1990 Oct-Dec; 32(4): 199-203