Peptide mapping reveals differences in the non-glycosylated domains of cystic fibrosis and normal tracheobronchial mucins.

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Tracheobronchial mucins from lung mucus secretions of healthy individuals and from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) were purified according to a protocol established in our laboratory. Following digestion of the purified, reduced-alkylated mucin (free of 118 kDa and 70 kDa components) with trypsin-L-1-tosylamido-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone, three fractions (TR-1, TR-2 and TR-3) were observed upon chromatography on a Superose 6 column using FPLC. TR-1 (glycosylated fraction) contained all of the carbohydrate, while TR-2 and TR-3 fractions had no detectable sugars. Comparison of the amino acid composition of TR-1 fractions from normal and CF individuals revealed no significant differences, while the TR-2 fractions from these mucins showed noticeable differences. Peptide mapping of TR-2 fractions from normal and CF mucins was performed on a C18 reverse phase column using FPLC. The peptide maps of normal mucins were markedly different from CF mucins. A greater number of peptides were seen in the TR-2 fractions of normal mucins when compared to CF mucin TR-2 fractions. In addition, normal TR-2 fractions appeared to be comprised of more hydrophobic peptides when compared to CF TR-2 fractions. These data provide evidence of possible structural differences in the non-glycosylated regions of CF and non-CF mucins, since the TR-2 fractions are essentially derived from the T-domains in the "naked" stretches of the mucin polypeptide backbone.
Desai VC, Shankar V, de la Rocha SR, Sachdev GP. Peptide mapping reveals differences in the non-glycosylated domains of cystic fibrosis and normal tracheobronchial mucins. Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 1993 Dec; 30(6): 382-8