When you least expect it: nephrotic syndrome following dengue fever

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This case report highlights a rare occurrence of nephrotic syndrome in a previously healthy 20-year-old gentleman. The patient exhibited bilateral lower limb swelling, facial puffiness, and abdominal distension. Notably, he had been hospitalized two weeks prior with dengue fever, characterized by a transient reduction in platelet counts. Routine examinations revealed proteinuria, with creatinine at 0.97 and albumin at 2.2. A renal biopsy confirmed focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)- NOS type. This case underscores the significance of considering renal complications in individuals with recent dengue fever, especially when presented with atypical symptoms. The scarcity of reported cases depicting nephrotic syndrome as a sequelae to dengue fever further emphasizes the uniqueness of this scenario.
Dengue, Nephrotic, FSGS
Thomas J., Khan M. F., Siddini V., Vankalakunti M., Ballal H. S.. When you least expect it: nephrotic syndrome following dengue fever. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2023 Dec; 11(12): 4580-4582