Fixation and Non-Fixation of MESH in Transabdominal Preperitoneal Hernia Repair: A Randomized Study

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Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences
Background: Transabdominal pre-peritoneal repair is a wellaccepted method of inguinal hernia repair involving bothoptions of fixation or non-fixation of mesh. Objective was toanalyse the comparison between mesh fixation versus nomesh fixation in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair– TAPP, interms of: operative time, post-operative pain, length of hospitalstay and recurrence.Materials and Methods: This prospective randomised studywas conducted on a sample of 30 male patients whounderwent TAPP inguinal hernia repair. 15 of these underwentfixation and the remaining 15 with non-fixation of mesh.Results: Mesh fixation increases postoperative pain andoperative time. No difference observed in terms of hospital staybetween the 2 groups. Fixation doesn’t prevent recurrence.Conclusion: Mesh non -fixation can be utilised as a safe andeffective approach in TAPP hernia repair.
Transabdominal Pre-Peritoneal (TAPP) Repair; Mesh Fixation; Mesh Non-Fixation
Rekhi Harnam Singh, Mittal Sushil, Arora Sahil, Khosa Armaan. Fixation and Non-Fixation of MESH in Transabdominal Preperitoneal Hernia Repair: A Randomized Study. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals. 2020 Jan; 6(1): 187-191