A Study on Impact of Radiotherapy on Functional and Radiological Changes on Irradiated Lung in Breast cancer Patients

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Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine Gujarat Chapter
Introduction :The invention of therapeutic use of radiation in various carcinomatous lesions lead to injuries of adjacent normal tissues, especially radiation induced fibrosis after administration of radiotherapy in patients of carcinoma breast. Objectives :The present study aims to find out prevalence of radiation induced fibrosis and evaluate impact of radiation therapy on functional and radiological parameters of pulmonary tissues in patients of carcinoma breast using spirometry and HR CT scan. Method : A total of 38 patients of carcinoma breast were evaluated with subsequent follow-up visits after administration of radiotherapy to assess changes in physiological function, type of radiological reaction etc. Results :The prevalence of radiation induced fibrosis in carcinoma breast patients was 13.16% with majority (80%) of cases with apical lateral involvement of lung tissue. Moreover, frequency of radiation induced fibrosis is directly proportional to mean lung dose and percent irradiated lung volume.
Javia Abhay, Pithadia Pradeep, Paliwal R., Paliwal Dipesh V. . A Study on Impact of Radiotherapy on Functional and Radiological Changes on Irradiated Lung in Breast cancer Patients. Healthline journal. 2018 Jan; 9(1): 30-35