Recent Update on Treatment Modalities of Oral Lichen Planus – A Review.

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Lichen planus is a chronic, noninfectious, inflammatory, and autoimmune disease of the skin and mucous membrane. Intraorally, the buccal mucosa, tongue, and gingiva are the sites commonly involved. It affects women more often than men in a ratio 3:2. It has well-recognized clinical signs and symptoms, the symptoms may range from none, through mild discomfort to a severe burning sensation. The oral lesions are more resistant to therapy and there is less spontaneous remission compared to cutaneous form. Patient education may improve the outcomes of oral lichen planus (OLP) therapy and further reduces the risk of oral cancer. For the accurate diagnosis of the OLP following criteria’s are required: (i) Assessment of causative or exacerbating factors, associated diseases and oral cancer risk; (ii) patient education and management; (iii) histological diagnosis; (iv) medical treatment; and (v) long-term review and re-biopsy as required. Choice of treatment may vary depending on the severity of the lesion and systemic condition of the patient. Treatment is administered mainly to resolve symptoms and discomfort. A variety of agents have been employed for the management of OLP, but corticosteroid remains the mainstay of treatment. Given the fact that for atrophic and erosive forms of OLP bears malignant transformation rate, so the patients need to be actively treated and kept on long-term follow-up. The main objective of this paper is to review the current literature regarding the treatment of OLP.
Immunomodulators, Management, Malignant transformation oral lichen planus, Steroids
Gujjar Pavan, Zingade Jyoti, Patil Shruthi, Hallur Jayadeva. Recent Update on Treatment Modalities of Oral Lichen Planus – A Review. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews. 2015 Sept; 2(4): 40-44.