Phytopharmacological properties of coriander sativum as a potential medicinal tree: an overview.
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Coriandrum Sativum family Umbelliferae is highly reputed ayurvedic medicinal tree
commonly known as the Dhanyaka. It is small sized tree growing throughout India, Italy.
Netherlands, Central and Eastern Europe, China and Bangladesh. The different parts of this plant
contain monoterpenes, α-pinene, limpnene, γ-terpinene, p-cymene, borneol, citronellol, camphor,
geraniol, coriandrin, dihydrocoriandrin, coriandronsA-E, flavonoids and essential oils. Various
parts of this plant such as seed, leaves, flower and fruit, possess Diuretic, Antioxidant Activity,
Ant-diabetic Anti-convulsant activity, Sedative Hypnotic Activity, Anti-microbial Activity, Anti
mutagenic, Anthelmintic activity. Various phytopharmacological evaluations have been reported
in this literature for the important potential of the Coriandrum sativum.
Coriandrum sativum, Phytochemicals, Pharmacological properties
Pathak Nimish L, Kasture Sanjay B, Bhatt Nayna M, Rathod Jaimik D. Phytopharmacological properties of coriander sativum as a potential medicinal tree: an overview. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2011 Jun; 1(4): 20-25.