Magnitude of acute respiratory infections in under five.

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A community-based study was carried out in a rural area of Delhi to measure the prevalence and incidence of acute respiratory infections among children below the age of 5 years. The prevalence of 12.1%, was similar in boys and girls and was seen to decline with age. The incidence of acute respiratory infections was 2.5 episodes per child per year; it was not different in boys and girls. There was a statistically significant decline in the incidence with age. Upper respiratory tract infections comprised 87.5% of total acute respiratory infection morbidity while lower respiratory tract infections were 12.5%. Both upper and lower respiratory tract infections declined with increasing age; while the former was similar among boys and girls, the incidence of latter was significantly greater in boys (0.4 episodes per year) as compared to girls (0.2 episodes per year). A total of 87.5% episodes were mild, 10.4% moderate and only 2.1% were severe. The results suggest that acute respiratory infections are a major community health problem and an acute respiratory infection control programme needs to be implemented urgently.
Chhabra P, Garg S, Mittal SK, Satyanarayan L, Mehra M, Sharma N. Magnitude of acute respiratory infections in under five. Indian Pediatrics. 1993 Nov; 30(11): 1315-9