Assessment of Psychiatric Illness in Severe Acne Patients: An Institutional Based Study

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Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences
Background: Acne is an inflammatory disorder of pilosebaceous units and is prevalent in adolescence. The field ofpsycho-dermatology encompasses all conditions involving themind and the skin. The present study was undertaken forassessing psychiatric illness in severe acne patients.Materials & Methods: A total of 100 severe acne patientswere enrolled in the present study. Complete demographic,clinical, past medical and detailed family history of all thepatients was obtained. All the results were recorded inMicrosoft excel sheet and were analyzed by SPSS software.Results: Among these 100 patients, psychiatric illness wasfound to be present in 21 patients. Anxiety and depressionwere found to be 8 and 7 patients respectively. Somatizationwas found to be present in 3 patients. Obsession was found tobe present in 2 patients. Males had significantly higherincidence of psychiatric illness among acne patients.Conclusion: Occurrence of psychiatric illness is a significantproblem among acne patients; especially among upper.
Acne, Anxiety, Depression, Psychiatric Illness.
Batra Mukesh. Assessment of Psychiatric Illness in Severe Acne Patients: An Institutional Based Study. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals. 2019 Jul; 5(3): 290-293