Infant and child feeding index.

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Traditional indicators of child feeding practices are widely used and appear to be useful, although the validity and reliability of those related to complementary feeding have not been established. Composite child feeding indices have the potential to address some of the methodological constraints related to the quantitative measurement of child feeding practices. They can address the multi-dimensionality of child feeding practices i.e. the need to consider the type, quality, texture, nutrient density of food, frequency of feeding and diversity of the diet; the age-specificity of child feeding practices; and the fact that feeding practices tend to cluster. The main advantage of creating a composite index is that it allows construction of one variable representing various dimensions of feeding or care practices. This variable, in turn, can be used to illustrate graphically the importance of child feeding or care for child outcomes or to model their determinants. This can be invaluable for advocacy, apart from being an indispensable tool for the purposes of research, monitoring and evaluation. Experience with creation of composite child feeding indices with the studies in Accra and DHS data sets from Latin America and Ethiopia has been encouraging and suggests that this is a promising area for future development and program applications.
19 references.
Srivastava N, Sandhu A. Infant and child feeding index. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2006 Sep; 73(9): 767-70