Epidemiological study of hypertension in young (15-24 yr) Delhi urban population.

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A community based epidemiological study of hypertension was carried out on a random urban sample of young persons (15-24 yr) of Delhi. Hypertension was defined as systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure greater than 85 mm Hg or a history of current antihypertensive therapy. Of the 6543 subjects examined, 202 were found to be hypertensive. The overall prevalence rate was 30.9/1000 (male 41.2/1000, female 21.7/1000). Secondary hypertension was present in 4 of the 202 patients. Only 16 patients were aware of the presence of hypertension; of these 6 were on medication. Family history of hypertension was present in 87 subjects (43.1%). Of the 202 hypertensives, 67 were obese and 16 were smokers. The degree of physical activity was identical in the hypertensive and non-hypertensive subjects. Blood samples of 129 of the 202 patients were analysed for lipid levels. High values of total cholesterol were observed in nine.
Gopinath N, Chadha SL, Sood AK, Shekhawat S, Bindra SP, Tandon R. Epidemiological study of hypertension in young (15-24 yr) Delhi urban population. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1994 Jan; 99(): 32-7